Anonymous ID: 7c3216 April 6, 2018, 4:10 p.m. No.926422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6474

An Open Letter to: Our Visitors From the 3 Letter Agencies, Hollywood, Pedophiles, Satan Worshipers, NWO Rich Cabal Elitists, Crooked Politicians, Murderers, and Traitors et al.


From: /qresearch/ Patriots.


I would name each of you individually, but I do not have enough time, rest assured your names and proof of misdeeds have all been discussed and documented here and archived off line. We sincerely hope you’re enjoying the show as much as we are. We all have a ringside seat, we find it quite exciting. and I’m sure you’re on the edge of your chair.


Fret not, your anxiety will not last very long, as the time is drawing nigh. You see, you underestimated us, which was a grave mistake. Apparently not all of us were asleep, kind of funny how that happens. You may not have realized yet, but you’ve lost the game, but not to worry, it gets better. Not for you, but for us and the rest of the world.


Nobody that plays the game gets a pass, nobody.


You see we are Patriots of the United States of America, and from all around the globe. We are many, we do not forgive, we do not forget.


You should not worry though, as you will not spend years languishing in our corrupt Courts and Judicial System, with time spent in a posh Federal Prison. We thought that too cruel to endure, even for the likes of you. You see, POTUS has graciously signed an EO enabling the use of Military Tribunals. That’s right, the fast track to Justice.


Many of you lesser offenders will live out the rest of your lives in obscurity in a Military Prison. Yes, there are several Military prisons for you, location determined by who you are and what offenses you’ve committed. Those who’ve committed crimes against Country and Humanity will follow a slightly different path to Justice.


Those who’ve committed treason, egregious crimes against humanity, and other heinous crimes, we do not feel sorry for you. You will not meet your Maker, but you will meet your Master, and very quickly. Justice will be swift for you with a Military Tribunal, and we’re pretty sure Death Sentence is expeditiously carried out by a Firing Squad.


If you’re not sitting down, pull up a chair and get comfy, we’ll watch the show together. We can’t wait for your final encore.



/qresearch/ Patriots

Where We Go One, We Go All