Anonymous ID: 8132d1 April 6, 2018, 4:18 p.m. No.926563   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Don't tie your name to Q.


Confirmed, said this just yesterday. Q guides, points us in the right direction, but anons do the work, gathering and collecting from the public domain. Using your own research confirmed by you is the best way to back up anything that you are saying IRL. Always having a reference for others to look for themselves. If' it's scrubbed by the time they get to it, you (should) have your archive. Relying on Q to be the source of info is a bit lazy. Relying on anons' research from the board is a quick way to discredit yourself if you haven't also done the legwork to prove it (could be handing out shill disinfo). And, stop trying to predict moves with specific dates & times, if there's a last minute change in plan, again, quick way to discredit yourself. Just say "soon". Just because anons are passionate and it may draw a consensus, doesn't excuse any anon from doing the research on their own. Proofs matter.