Has the site here been fucked up for anyone else on last bread?
Q. Society is failing. How long ya'll gonna let this thing go? Hardcore criminals being let out of prison awhile Patriots are being arrested for whatever edict or dictate the depots declare. "Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law"? Guess no one is going to enforce that law. This motherfucking Governor in NJ is bucking for it as is Whitmer, Newsom, bitch in Maine and several others.
Simply, this shit is way out of control and is only getting worse. Don't know how much longer you folks are going to wait but Plan Z will be inevitable if nothing is done. Now they're actually talking about forced vaccinations. Really? "Force" goes both ways.
Watched the entire thing back a few weeks ago. She is a PATRIOT!!!
What in the hell are you talking about anon? Stacy Abrams? As thin as a rail. Your eyesight alright?
Gov. DeSantes ripping the experts, DNC Press Dept. and others a NEW FUCKING ASS on Hannity just now. Muh Wuhan Corona.
I swear, Nancy Pelosi. This old fucking hag is absolutely losing it. Childish, incoherent and petty are understatements.
No. That is a fag ass motherfucking hippy with titties. Someone should slap the fucking shit out of her hairy ass.
Add Glen Simpson and Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie, Mark Elias and many, many others.
Justice delayed, justice denied Q. Shit get'n crazy out here.
Stick a big cock in his mouth. That'll do it.
There ain't one anon as they probably destroyed it. Unless Q has it out in Utah.
Yea, I love Sean (no homo) but this mask shit he's yakking on is growing YAWN………….
Mark Cuban is supporting Biden? What a fucking moran. Billionaire idiot.
That's cause he is THE VICTIM in this whole damn thing Cuban you piece of fucking shit!!!!
And it don't help you kissing his dumb fucking ass either Sean God Damnit!!!
Not there yet. Getting closer though.