>Important to note [future events].
>Masking v unmasking
Masking is done by the collections side. Unmasking is done by request of the clients.
>incidentally intercepted v direct [target]
Direct target is unmasked, incidental intercepts are masked
>702 collection [minimization procedures] v CIA v FVEY
702 masked.
C_A: ???
FVEY: ??? I know from working in government that FVEY was used to get around domestic spying limitations. Really 2Eye. US could spy on UK citizens for the crown, and UK could spy on US citizens for their political friends. Totally fucking corrupt nonsense.
>How does the CIA collect intelligence?
Not sure.
>CIA not governed by FISA [intelligence operations conducted outside US]
Correct. Can spy on whoever they want because they're foreigners.
>FBI is under FISA [foreign counterintelligence mission is principally domestic]
>Target location: US or abroad [traveling][rules]
Well Papa D was abroad. So perhaps that's C_A?
>Foreign intelligence collection of US person(s).
>Official v unofficial.
>What [central] AB[C] agency played quarterback?
If I had to guess, based on what we know? Brennan's C_A.
You double posted Q.