They hide their answers everywhere. Sometimes under rock. Sometimes right in front of our faces. Lies in media truth in movies. I have never watched the Hanx Da Vici movie. The time has come.
SP is a great attorney. SP is awesome. SP is beyond awesome. She is the 1% of true justice in America. That said. In front of a crooked judge she is powerless. That's why Bostonian's stocked up on tar and feathers. They saw what was going on.
No one living now will ever forget what is going on. Wanna go now? I'm running out of words.
If you get jammed up you want an Angelo Dundee and Ferdi Pacheco in your corner. An Italian and a Cuban. A Virgo and a Sagittarius.
PDJT has Dan Scavino. Perfect. Italian + Capricorn. Piss them off they will rip the phones out of the walls. Trust me on this.
Great music. Great fight. Probable like champagne and sex for some. And tyranny vs justice. And on and on we go.
Thank you.
Here's a completely different style. He weighed 185 lbs. Pound for pound THE most devastating puncher ever in the ring. Outside the ring. PDJT.
Thank you for the acknowledgement. Boston never forgets.
All great people had people defending them. I love being the power behind the throne.
Jefferson had Madison {so many letters}, PDJT has Scavino, + the people, + the military, + me, + his family, + GOD. This is called win at any and all costs. I've only been knocked down once. And I deserved it. Just like everyone.
I'm just a fighter.
Forget that day.You would't believe it. Later. We need to eliminate the psychopaths first.
I would never do this. There's a better way. But. If the law of the land is continually abbreviated by corrupt judges? This is what you get.
Not sure why he took his shoes off. And it's sad he had to fire that gun. But it's always sad. But it's it best to be the best in the west.
There you go. My favorite Agency.
702 collection [minimization procedures] v CIA v FVEY
How does the CIA collect intelligence?
They killed anyone and everyone that could open the door to American greatness. You tell me who? I don't need you too. I already figured it out. A long time ago in a far a way land. Called my youth.
And now you want what?
No matter what happens you have to play.
I know. We are winning. I know by the lack of information vs the information. Kinda of ironic.
I'm going to watch this now.