Anonymous ID: 7b5ae2 May 20, 2020, 7:12 p.m. No.9259045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9099 >>9134 >>9161 >>9209

AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN: Alan Dershowitz Says Americans Can be Forced to Take Coronavirus Vaccine


Author and former Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz joined Tucker Carlson on Wednesday night.


Dershowitz told Tucker that the government can force Americans to take the coronavirus vaccine.

It should be noted that ALL of the original predictions and models were completely inaccurate.


The WHO’s March estimate on the disease claimed COVID-19 had a 3.4% mortality rate.


Two months later it is now known the COVID-9 mortality rate is similar to the seasonal flu – according to a recent study of 12 populations.


So the government is going to force individuals to take a vaccine based on their completely inaccurate predictions and models of this same disease?

No thanks.


There is no way in hell this is going to happen.


Alan Dershowitz says forced vaccinations is constitutional… Don’t think so… Especially when children under 4 have a 0.00% chance of dying from this same disease.


We remember when you got Epstein off too asshole

Anonymous ID: 7b5ae2 May 20, 2020, 7:15 p.m. No.9259087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9292 >>9371

FBI Offered To Pay Christopher Steele ‘Significantly’ To Dig Up Dirt On Michael Flynn


Former British spy Christopher Steele peddled an unfounded rumor in December 2016 that Michael Flynn had an extramarital affair with a Russian woman, according to documents released earlier in May.

Months before Steele discussed Flynn, the FBI offered to pay the ex-spy to collect intelligence on Flynn and other Trump associates who were the targets of a counterintelligence investigation.

An FBI source provided information about Flynn that matches what Steele provided the bureau, an FBI memo from early 2017 also said.

Rumors about Flynn and a Russian-British woman, Svetlana Lokhova, began circulating in the media in March 2017.


An FBI offer to pay former British spy Christopher Steele to collect intelligence on Michael Flynn in the weeks before the 2016 election has been one of the more overlooked revelations in a Justice Department inspector general’s report released in December.


The reference to the FBI proposal, which was made in an Oct. 3, 2016, meeting in an unidentified European city, has received virtually no press attention. But it might have new significance following the recent release of government documents that show that Steele peddled an unfounded rumor that Flynn had an extramarital affair with a Russian woman in the United Kingdom.


It is not clear how and when Steele came across the rumor, or if it was the result of the FBI asking him to look into Flynn.


The inspector general’s report, released on Dec. 9, 2019, said that FBI agents offered to pay Steele “significantly” to collect intelligence from three separate “buckets” that the bureau was pursuing as part of Crossfire Hurricane, its counterintelligence probe of four Trump campaign associates.


One bucket was “Additional intelligence/reporting on specific, named individuals (such as [Carter Page] or [Flynn]) involved in facilitating the Trump campaign-Russian relationship,” the IG report stated.


FBI agents also sought contact with “any individuals or sub sources” who Steele could provide to “serve as cooperating witnesses to assist in identifying persons involved in the Trump campaign-Russian relationship.”


Steele at the time had provided the FBI with reports he compiled alleging that members of the Trump campaign had conspired with the Kremlin to influence the 2016 election.


An FBI agent provided Steele with a “general overview” of the ongoing Crossfire Hurricane probe, according to the IG report. The agent told Steele about the actions of George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign aide, and said the FBI had undertaken a “small analytical effort” that centered on Paul Manafort, Carter Page and Flynn.


Some FBI agents who attended the meeting questioned whether the lead agent had disclosed too much to Steele about Crossfire Hurricane, according to the IG report.



Anonymous ID: 7b5ae2 May 20, 2020, 7:16 p.m. No.9259098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9133 >>9187 >>9292 >>9371

DNC Chair Perez: Trump’s Vote-by-Mail Opposition a ‘Desperate Effort to Steal an Election’


Wednesday on MSNBC, Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez accused President Donald Trump of attempting to “steal the election” by opposing vote-by-mail during the coronavirus pandemic.


Host Chris Hayes said, “For more on the president’s efforts to subvert the democratic process, I’m joined by the chair of the Democratic National Committee. I’m always conflicted about, you know, stories of the variety the president tweeted. He tweets a lot of things and most of it is nonsense or lies or liable or slander or whatever. But the way he attacked absentee voting today struck me as genuinely dangerous and genuinely sort of threatening to democracy. How high on the priority list is it for you to do what you can to the safeguard administration of free and fair elections this fall?”


Perez said, “It’s the highest priority, Chris because we know that you’re going to see voter suppression on steroids in the months ahead. We had a conversation I know about the election in Wisconsin recently where they tried to weaponize the pandemic to suppress the vote and steal the state supreme court race. It failed miserably. That’s what you’re going to see.”


Hayes said, “I want to play for you something the president just said about voting, which struck me as deeply pernicious, this sort of voting is an honor and going off about how he doesn’t want people mail-in voting. Take a listen.”


In a clip, Trump said, “Common sense would tell you it’s massive manipulation can take place, massive. They — and you do —you have cases of fraudulent ballots where they actually print them and give them to people to sign, maybe the same person signs them with different writing, different pens. I don’t know. A lot of things can happen. If you can, you should go and vote. Voting is an honor. It shouldn’t be something where they send you a pile of stuff, and you send it back.”


Perez said, “Voting isn’t simply an honor, Chris, voting is a fundamental right. People pay the ultimate price to exercise the right to vote. And in a pandemic, the notion that you have a president going after Republican and Democratic secretaries of state in the middle of a pandemic, Secretary Benson is trying to make it easier for eligible people to exercise their right to vote. She’s trying to allow them to exercise the choice that the Michigan Constitution provides them.”


He added, “What we have to do between now and November is make sure that every single voter in every single state has a choice. The choice to vote on election day. So the choice to early vote, the more days of early voting, the more social distancing you do and the right to vote absentee with no excuse, the right to vote by mail. Republicans and Democrats agree on that. This president, in a desperate effort to steal an election, is going to stop at nothing.”

Anonymous ID: 7b5ae2 May 20, 2020, 7:17 p.m. No.9259123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9292 >>9298 >>9371

Pittsburgh Vows to Clean Up Voter Rolls with 1.6K Dead Registered Voters


The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) has reached a settlement with Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, officials to clean up their voter rolls, which apparently include about 1,600 dead registered voters.


In February, PILF filed a lawsuit against Allegheny County — which includes the city of Pittsburgh and its surrounding suburbs — for having about 1,600 dead people on its voter rolls, close t0 7,500 voter registrations that have been flagged as duplicates, 1,523 registered voters who claim to be 100-years-old and over, and 1,178 registered voters who are missing dates of birth.


The lawsuit alleged that Allegheny County had not properly cleaned its voter rolls in accordance with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993.


This week, Allegheny County officials reached a settlement that mandates the county provide records within 60 days about the dead people and duplicated voter registrations on its voter rolls identified by PILF.


PILF President J. Christian Adams said in a statement:


Allegheny County deserves credit for agreeing to fix a serious problem with elections there. People have been getting registered two, three, four, even seven times over to vote in Pittsburgh and the suburbs. We found those problems, and the County agreed to fix them.


Similarly, the settlement requires that Allegheny County officials send letters to registrants with fictitious or placeholder dates of birth on file within 60 days and review registration records where dates of birth exceed 110 years of age.


Allegheny County must review registration records where birth dates exceed 110-years-old and determine if death notices were previously overlooked on an annual basis for the next three years. Over the next year, Allegheny County officials agreed to accept leads from PILF about concerns with its voter rolls.


The settlement comes as Judicial Watch, a watchdog organization, filed suit against the state of Pennsylvania for allegedly having more than 800,000 inactive voters on its voter rolls. In January, Allegheny County removed about 69,000 inactive voters from its voter rolls after threats of a lawsuit by Judicial Watch.

Anonymous ID: 7b5ae2 May 20, 2020, 7:19 p.m. No.9259141   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Nothing Like This Has Happened Before": China To Invest $1 Trillion In New Plan To Overtake US In Tech


As we have been writing since late 2018, when it comes to the technological arms race between the US and China, one place where China has been badly lagging the US, is in the production of semiconductors, which is also China's biggest weakness in its ongoing scramble to catch up with the US technologically.


China's media agrees: over the weekend, we quoted from a Global Times op-ed according to which "although the US had experienced a large-scale deindustrialization in the second half of the 20th century, it still maintains advantages in the semiconductor sector with companies such as Intel, which could complete the whole process of the chip design to producing. The country has held on to cutting-edge semiconductor manufacturing techniques over the past decade."


And now that the cold war between the US and China is about as formal as it can get, China has decided it can no longer rely on the US for being its primary source of high-end technology, and according to Bloomberg, Beijing is accelerating its bid for global leadership in key technologies, and will pump more than a trillion dollars into the economy "through the rollout of everything from wireless networks to artificial intelligence."


Purposefully invoking the spirit of "Made in China 2025", a plan that has in the past infuriated the White House, China's strategic "masterplan" is backed by President Xi Jinping himself, and will see China invest an estimated $1.4 trillion over six years to 2025, "calling on urban governments and private tech giants like Huawei Technologies to lay fifth generation wireless networks, install cameras and sensors, and develop AI software that will underpin autonomous driving to automated factories and mass surveillance."


This also means that while pursuing China's plans to reinvent its technological base and to restructure its entire semiconductor supply chain, Beijing will also create the supreme police state dystopia, one which is even more powerful than the current iteration.


Predictably, the new infrastructure initiative is expected to rely on local giants from Alibaba and Huawei to SenseTime Group while shunning U.S. companies. And as Bloomberg adds, "as tech nationalism mounts, the investment drive will reduce China’s dependence on foreign technology, echoing objectives set forth previously in the Made in China 2025 program. Such initiatives have already drawn fierce criticism from the Trump administration, resulting in moves to block the rise of Chinese tech companies such as Huawei."


“Nothing like this has happened before, this is China’s gambit to win the global tech race,” said Digital China Holdings Chief Operating Officer Maria Kwok, as she sat in a Hong Kong office surrounded by facial recognition cameras and sensors.


“Starting this year, we are really beginning to see the money flow through.”

Anonymous ID: 7b5ae2 May 20, 2020, 7:22 p.m. No.9259170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9200 >>9227 >>9238 >>9247 >>9263

Nancy Pelosi: Unnamed ‘Doctors’ Ask Me What’s the Matter with Trump


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Wednesday claimed unnamed doctors ask her “what’s the matter” with President Donald Trump, suggesting that medical professionals have expressed concern to her about the president’s mental health.


“I hear doctors talk to me about saying, ‘what’s the matter with him?'” Pelosi claimed during her weekly press conference on Capitol Hill.


“The things he says are so inappropriate for a President of the United States. The comments he makes about women — so inappropriate,” she added.


Earlier in her press conference, Pelosi bizarrely said that President Trump and other Trump administration have “doggie doo” on their shoes.


“It’s like a child who comes in with mud on their pants, that’s the way it is, they are outside playing. He comes in with doggie doo on his shoes, and everybody that works for him has that on their shoes too for a very long time to come,” the speaker remarked.


Pelosi made the comments as she defended calling President Trump “morbidly obese,” saying that her comments were “a dose of his own medicine” that was both “factual” and “sympathetic.”


“I didn’t say anything about the president. I gave him a dose of his own medicine,” Pelosi replied when asked about her jab about the president’s weight. “I was only quoting what doctors had said about him and I was being factual in a very sympathetic way.”


On Monday evening, Pelosi called President Trump “morbidly obese” when pressed about the president taking hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug, as a preventative treatment against the Chinese coronavirus.


“As far as the president is concerned, he’s our president and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and in his, shall we say, weight group — morbidly obese, they say,” the speaker told CNN anchor Anderson Cooper. “So, I think it’s not a good idea.”


President Donald Trump hit back at Pelosi on Tuesday, saying she was a “sick woman” with “a lot of mental problems.”


Hours later, Pelosi expressed surprise over the president’s comment, calling it a “sensitive” reaction.


“He’s always talking about other people’s avoir du poids, their weight, their pounds,” the speaker told MSNBC.


“I don’t want to spend any more time on his distraction because, as you see in the last couple of days, so much of the time has been spent on what he said,” she added. “Rather than that, I think he should recognize his words weigh a ton. Instead of telling people to put Lysol into their lungs or taking a medication that’s not been approved except under certain circumstances. He should be saying that your previous guest mentioned things that will help people.”

Anonymous ID: 7b5ae2 May 20, 2020, 7:26 p.m. No.9259236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9284 >>9307 >>9371

Doctors raise alarm about health effects of continued coronavirus shutdown: 'Mass casualty incident'


More than 600 doctors signed onto a letter sent to President Trump Tuesday pushing him to end the "national shutdown" aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus, calling the widespread state orders keeping businesses closed and kids home from school a "mass casualty incident" with "exponentially growing health consequences."


The letter outlines a variety of consequences that the doctors have observed resulting from the coronavirus shutdowns, including patients missing routine checkups that could detect things like heart problems or cancer, increases in substance and alcohol abuse, and increases in financial instability that could lead to "[p]overty and financial uncertainty," which "is closely linked to poor health."


"We are alarmed at what appears to be the lack of consideration for the future health of our patients," the doctors say in their letter. "The downstream health effects … are being massively under-estimated and under-reported. This is an order of magnitude error."


The letter continues: "The millions of casualties of a continued shutdown will be hiding in plain sight, but they will be called alcoholism, homelessness, suicide, heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure. In youths it will be called financial instability, unemployment, despair, drug addiction, unplanned pregnancies, poverty, and abuse.


"Because the harm is diffuse, there are those who hold that it does not exist. We, the undersigned, know otherwise."


The letter comes as the battle over when and how to lift coronavirus restrictions continues to rage on cable television, in the courts, in protests and among government officials. Those for lifting the restrictions have warned about the economic consequences of keeping the shutdowns in effect. Those advocating a more cautious approach say that having more people out and about will necessarily end with more people becoming infected, causing what National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci warned in a Senate hearing last week would be preventable "suffering and death."


But these doctors point to others that are suffering, not from the economy or the virus, but simply from not being able to leave home. The doctors' letter lists a handful of patients by their initials and details their experiences.


"Patient E.S. is a mother with two children whose office job was reduced to part-time and whose husband was furloughed," the letter reads. "The father is drinking more, the mother is depressed and not managing her diabetes well, and the children are barely doing any schoolwork."


"Patient A.F. has chronic but previously stable health conditions," it continues. "Her elective hip replacement was delayed, which caused her to become nearly sedentary, resulting in a pulmonary embolism in April."