Al Bielek - The Montauk Project
He talks about a plethora of things concerning his tenure in the projects and makes a lot of connections, and its DEEP.
The Montauk Project worked with "the Finders" to procure individuals for programming.
As technology became more advanced, so did their reach and efforts and according to Bielek, 9 out of 10 US children are programmed and MKUltra'd (at the time of this interview).
He explains in this video how they did it and its comparable to the MILBAS accounts.
This is the first time I've heard the actual methods used from procurement to programming.
Its 99% in the hospital kinda shit pretty much all by itself.
The Netflix series "Stranger Things" is based off of it.
Al Bielek - The Philadelphia Experiment
Tesla tech, time travel, cloaking devices, experimenting on military troops, The "WingMen" (Who were time travelers) and so much more.
Like the others we've been researching in here, the amount of information contained in Bielek's interviews is staggering and ties into literally everything else.
The film "The Final Countdown" is based off of this.
Some background on both projects: