Hello mr IP hopping glownigger gatekeeper baker clown you really fooled the anons to make them think you aren't replying to yourself again. Gotta love how fast you reply on here, not like you're on this thread all the time making sure anons dont step outside the soft disclosure info.
Nice lame digs. Really weak man. You only put that lame ass dig on there to make it seem like you are a legit anon and also to reinforce your first message replying to yourself. Been noticing you doing that. You get called out on one IP then you defend yourself with another, then you drop a lame ass dig (usually recycled from past bread) to try to make it look like you are contributing, therefore increases your chances of blending in as "anon".
All this shit is weak. You are weak. Your sauce is weak. Your gatekeeping game is weak. You've been at this for years man and learned nothing. Autists have you cornered, and you stink of frustration.
Keep dropping those lame ass digs faggot. Stuff everyone here already knows.