Anonymous ID: 29b1b8 May 21, 2020, 5:41 a.m. No.9262651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2652 >>2673

>>9261939 (lb)

>Q initially didn't post about Corona


No, but they already knew about it, and we got this (a little over a month after first case reported in WA):

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e42a09 No.8200814

Feb 20 2020 20:59:58 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 6828cf No.8200718

Feb 20 2020 20:53:44 (EST)


They fear an awake public. Each Q Proof proves our strength too. Thank you, Q and Q+!


You have come far, Anons (Patriots).

You are ready.

Prepare for the storm.



We're in the storm. We have been since very shortly after that drop. Anyone that doesn't think we're in the storm is out of their minds. We didn't get that coveted tweet from @POTUS, but it might be because they haven't started arresting the big names, yet. Think of Q and DJT as two different personas. Q was up front about not confirming anything from the podium. Plausible deniability.


Before I do the rest of your post, I want you to understand something. Q is playing the reassurance card to anons while hidden meanings exist in the posts, too. That "heal your minds" music video post? Turns out the band had ties directly to Soros.


@POTUS and everyone else facing cameras are "going along with it". It's part of the plan. Remember @POTUS' comment about it?:

"It looks like by April, you know in theory, when it gets a little warmer, [the new coronavirus] miraculously goes away — I hope that’s true."


Well, that obviously didn't happen. Why? Because the coverage of it is a hoax. It's not that the virus isn't deadly to certain people, but it's not as deadly as they want you to think. Q is right; @POTUS has never made a statement that wasn't true. There are many out there, though, that work dilligently to make him out to be a liar. That's what they want you to see.


>DJT goes ham and closes border to china before it is recommended.

He brought this up many times in the pressers. Closed down the border of the USA over 15 or so patients getting sick? For a timeline reference of events, look here:

>>9249480 (pb)

>>9249482 (pb)

Also think about how that might have accelerated some of the southern border progress.


>Dems say it is safe with Pelosi going to china town, along with all of the media saying it is over-hyped.

>Now Dems say DJT didn't do enough initially or since then.

They wanted the virus to spread and were downplaying it. They wanted people to die, anon. Their goal is to get back control over the House, Senate, and WH. Yes, it's that serious. They'd kill and rape as many as needed to do it. Also, D party and MSM are the same. They are working together.


>Q finally speaks of it and says it is over-hyped.

Because it is. This is where Q and @POTUS overlap. @POTUS said the coverage was a hoax. Q assuades anons by presenting the original numbers and touting the same cure as @POTUS. Go and look at the CDC numbers now vs when Q posted. Keep in mind that Q posted mid April numbers on May 1st.

Q post:

Current Numbers:


Huge difference in COVID-19 only deaths, right? As soon as Q or @POTUS points something out, they have people changing data left and right. That's why you can't sway hard skeptics because as soon as patriots do anything, liars and leakers are moving goal posts.


>DJT now retweets how Sweden has been struggling without locking down their country.

This is where you look at something @POTUS says and realize that their numbers are incredibly low considering they didn't do a lockdown like everyone else. As a matter of fact, people have been writing stories about it since the start. The DS wanted to kill as many Swedes as possible, and the virus ended up not doing shit to them - until last month that is! My oh my. What a difference a month can make. That's because it's all bullshit.


Anonymous ID: 29b1b8 May 21, 2020, 5:41 a.m. No.9262652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2669


>What the hell am I missing?

>First bad(DJT) and not bad(Dems & Media), now not bad(Q), and worse than expected(Dems & Media), still bad but not as bad(DJT).

@POTUS never said it was all that bad. What @POTUS has been doing is playing along with the lie. What @POTUS, Q, and everyone else "in the know (anons)" already knows is that the stupid games, and simply not coming forth with the real truth, is causing more confusion than anything. Everyone else believes the mass graves in NY. Everyone else still believes the virus is insta-kill. Everyone else is still wearing masks, making themselves more sick. Everyone else still thinks the virus is going to have a second wave during the election.


If the point of this little exercise was to get everyone to "Greatly Awaken" to the mass media bullshit scams, it didn't work for a majority of people walking around wearing masks. Just go outside and look for yourself.


>Seriously Anons, help me out here. The number don’t justify either side of this crazy shit. Either it is worse than they say or it is not. What is with all the flippy-flop on both sides?

The kayfabe is bullshit and frustrating. I'm willing to bet Eric Bishoff wrote this himself. You aren't missing anything, though, anon. You're seeing the whole picture, and forgetting that this entire operation is about destroying the reputation of the MSM. The problem is, @POTUS isn't going to just come on TV and and declare it (actually he already has, but whatever). We're going to continue to watch @POTUS playing a character on TV called "President Orange man" while anons wait for the rest of the public to wake the fuck up (hope you like marathons). People are supposed to grow ever-increasingly distrustful of everything the media says, but they are hard wired in, anon.


In the meantime, people are literally arguing over whether an 80 cent pill works because there are so many studies being done by both sides they'll literally conflict each other directly. That means "trusted group of doctors over here" will have a report that debunks "group of HCQ proponents over there". That's when shit gets really frustrating. If you think this is bad, just hang in there a bit longer. Q already said the day after the election "things will clear up".

Anonymous ID: 29b1b8 May 21, 2020, 5:48 a.m. No.9262684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2692


The MSM lies. Constantly. We are shown the truth here everyday when anons collaborate over findings, and Q guides occasionally with posts. For the Dems, it's absolutely all about the election. For the good guys, it's about the election, too. Look at how Rs are running races and getting promoted in the House.


The D's are using the virus to scam the election. The good guys are showing the truth about the virus despite a sea of lies and disinfo. And yes, the election is more important than anything. It's about saving out country.