So I was looking into recent USNavy post. Two plains with numbers 2 and 3. 23.
In Post #1461 Q asked what else (23) might refer to? Dash v minus? Military.
In post #91 they exposed the password with Military code, it was clearly reference to USNavy. (Pic from Reddit EVE and post #91).
Link to reddit:
And of course ##FLYMAYFLY## post#3339 could have been reference to the upcoming event. (Blue Angels). And Post #1419 Explains what 23 refers to the day.
So knowing that General Michael Flynn posted recently I would guess that in upcoming days (05/23) there will be HUGE revelations. Like FISA declass maybe?
Also, I added post #326 (As pilot turns his head around planes with tail numbers 3 2 and 6 pops up). Have we had any FF recently? YES.
>Nice view up there.