Anonymous ID: dfd06e May 21, 2020, 7:12 a.m. No.9263255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3296 >>3550

1eye, you there? Swish, door opens, yea Pepe, whatz up? Well, it’s just so hard to believe all dis stuff. It’s so not what I was expecting, ya kno? Indeed Pepe. See, once I found the parables of Jesus, I was faced with a lot of confusion and simultaneously, giant epiphanies about what could be…and well, Pepe, there is a lot more. See, we, in our efforts, have stank up our history so it is real hard to put ole Humpty back togethr. So, I started with mirroring the information, den, I applied some logic, sprinkled some superpower hindsight in the bowl and BOOM! I started making progress. Now, the first thing I focused on was getting rid of al my fear and hate towards what I thought waz my enemy and through some love at them. Now, I was just doing this in my HEART and MIND Pepe, I just worked on me. And, well, I gotta tell ya Pepe, love whopped ole hate arse and sent it packing. It was den, that I got some clarity. Now, there is a bunch of weird stuff out there about aliens, remember, well ALL family and our families worked through there indifferences many eons ago, so, ALL are FRIENDS Pepe, ALL. now, there is some static about them cube fellas, but I ain’t got much info to go on about dem. So, after I shed dat hate I also made sure I was not focusing on things that were only imanjenary, ya kno, fear. See, we special Pepe, we create things with our focus, so we put all of our energy into hate, well, Pepe, we gonna get people to hate. Ya starten to see dis Pepe…? I think so 1eye. Makes me tired. I kno Pepe, make sure you get some rest and try not to take yurself so serious. See, wether your POTUS or some dude name Phil, you just part of the current view of the game and your next incarnation would probably be the opposite to enhance the overall experience. Wow, 1eye! Yep, but there comes a point when we can break out of the game construct, rise above the fear and separate the wheat from the chaff. And, Pepe, it’s a that moment when the CREATOR kisses all of us frogs and awakens them to who they are, what they kno throughout time and then we gets some really cool upgrades. Dats right Pepe, dats God Love! Now, I think I’ll leave you with dat fer now. I’ll be back Pepe. I sure do love you Pepe, thanks fer listening.