Virus my ass.
>New CDC guidlines for reopening schools
◦ Wear masks over the age of 2
◦ No sharing of any items or supplies, all belongings in individual cubbies or labeled containers; no sharing electronic devices, toys, games, learning aids
◦ Desks 6 feet apart, all facing the same way
◦ Distance on school buses- one child per seat, skip rows
◦ Install sneeze guards and partitions wherever you cannot space 6ft apart
◦ One way routes in hallways; tape on sidewalks and walls to assure kids stay 6ft apart
◦ No communal shared spaces - cafeterias, playgrounds
◦ Physical barriers or screens between sinks in bathrooms
◦ Only pre-packages boxes or bags of food instead of cafeteria food; kids eat in classrooms
◦ No field trips, assemblies, or external organizations in the schools. Limit volunteers and visitors.
◦ Same children stay with same staff all day, no switching groups or teachers.
◦ Stagger arrival and departure times for students to limit exposure to crowds of kids.
◦ If possible, daily health and temperature checks.
◦ And several rules about cleaning and disinfecting throughout the day and hand washing frequently.
Bullshit. Looks like I'm homeschooling now.