Anonymous ID: 9e75b7 May 21, 2020, 8:47 a.m. No.9264621   🗄️.is 🔗kun


While the Philadelphia Inquirer reported that as of Tuesday, nursing home residents accounted for 68 percent of COVID-19 deaths in the state and the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation reported that, as of last Thursday, nursing home residents accounted for 71 percent of the COVID-19 deaths in the state, the PDH chose an unusual method of reporting that data, “place of death.”


Based on national standards, the place of death is categorized as shown above. The place of death of the decedent is reported by the medical certifier, such as a physician, CRNP, or coroner, based on the physical location where the death occurred.


Using that measure, 43.4 percent of deaths (1,951) took place in long-term living facilities, 52.1 percent (2,341) took place in hospitals, 2.7 percent (121) took place in residences, and 1.8 percent (80) took place in hospices or “other.”


One possible explanation for the discrepancy between PDH’s Sunday report and the data reported on Tuesday by the Inquirer and the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation is that some nursing home residents who have died from COVID-19 died in the hospital, while others died in nursing homes and were not in the hospital at their time of death.