we know. do something about it.
Okay, Israel's illegitimate and Zionists need to be deported. What do you suggest doing with Jews?
Convert to what? Catholicism? Eastern Orthodoxy? Protestantism?
You do know the JAO doesn't actually have many Jews. It's in name only.
And what do Jews owe the west? It sounds like you want to exterminate them.
No, just a patriotic, Jewish American. Carry on though! Your posts are enlightening. :)
Facts? You're not posting facts. I've read this same garbage online for years. But seriously, you seem to be concerned about the "power Jews have," yet you don't see the irony in your wanting power over Jews? Why don't you focus on improving yourself (hell, get an education and a good job) and make something of yourself.
Of course. There's no room for hate in this movement.
Okay, and while you've been fooled to focus on your hatred for Jews, truly evil people have been consolidating their power over mankind.
You think Jews are evil? Would Trump have really let his favorite daughter convert to Judaism and marry one? Grow up.