Anonymous ID: 40762e May 21, 2020, 12:29 p.m. No.9267368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7486


Frank Rainieri Founder and developer of Punta Cana

clinton foundation member also


eye doctor Salomon Melgen is menendez the j epstein that gave gifts plane rides and hookers in dominican repub


SUGAR BARONS: Pepe Fanjul and Alfy Fanjul own a congromerate that includes Domino Sugar and Florida Crystals, and they also own Casa de Campo. The brothers entertained the Clintons there in early January


But the Fanjul family remains tight with the Clintons, donating at least $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Records show Alfy Fanjul met numerous times privately with Secretary of State Clinton.


bob was accused of underage sex and bribery during this next line


Menendez has sought to apply pressure on the Dominican government to honor a contract with Melgen’s port-security company,


all over the place

if anyone wants to dig im work faggin but still diggin

dug on this before and its deep

deaths in D R

Anonymous ID: 40762e May 21, 2020, 12:39 p.m. No.9267486   🗄️.is 🔗kun



company called ICSSI


cuba involved

When Belinda Galvan Beauchamp, widow of Juan Rene Beauchamp, the former head of the Dominican Armed Forces assassinated in 2000, signed the now infamous and controversial “Melgen-Menendez” Dominican port security deal in 2002 on behalf of ICSSI, her newly formed company with few assets and no port security experience, Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega had been in an American prison for a decade.

But the Beauchamp family had deep ties to Noriega that extended back to the 1960s and 1970s, when both Noriega and Beauchamp were ambitious junior military officers in their respective countries. According to a December 27, 2000 report in EFE News Services, “Dominican Gen. Juan Rene Beauchamp Javier, the former head of the Dominican armed forces gunned down Tuesday by unknown assassins, was a close friend of former Panamanian strongman Manuel Antonio Noriega and had served as ambassador to Argentina.”


Beauchamp’s son, Jean Rene Beauchamp, married Noriega’s daughter, Sandra Noriega, in 1987, at the height of Noriega’s six year reign as Panama’s military dictator. The two subsequently divorced. It is not clear if the divorce took place before or after the Beachamp family’s newly formed ICSSI company secured the Dominican port security deal in 2002