"Who knows that they don't PIRATE?"
gotta watch them all!
It's a very unpopular idea, but
nuclear families are part of what
enables abuse. Those that are in
isolation are very easy to abuse.
Vilages raise the young, so there's plenty of watchful eyes so the little ones don't get abused.
Multi-generational families live with many members under the same roof, so no one that has an idea of abuse can get away with doing it.
"They make the dashboards to an interplay and lots of other things"
Honeywell has always been a suspected spy op in my eyes. Get in people's homes, and they'll be under watch.
A word on car manufacturing.
A majority of the vehicles made do not get purchased. They swap the vehicles to keep people working.
Count every vehicle manufactured in 2018, see if they match the amount of men, women, and children in the nation.
We don't need anymore automobiles!