2 min video from an underground mother who was fighting to recover her children years ago, she recounts story of satanists getting a chemical high from drinking blood of a crucified and skinned 8-yr old boy
https://files.catbox.moe/aovd1o.mp4 (voat QRV)
This was before we all knew about adrenochrome
She asks how high up this goes and now we know
This is relevant to anons NOW as we get attacked
Remember who we are fighting for - Our Children
Viewed on voat today, https://voat.co/v/QRV/3832689
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Part of presentation by Ted Gunderson former head of FBI special agent-in-charge Los Angeles lecture was 1987 I believe
CIA Satanism Ritual Child Abuse Ted Gunderson (he was 187'd)
Former head of the FBI in LA talks about satanic ritual abuse
https://youtu.be/D8298OACf9o (1 hour 9 mins)