Anonymous ID: 5934fd May 21, 2020, 8:31 p.m. No.9272531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2574 >>2839 >>2957

14-Day Isolation or £1,000 Fine: UK Reportedly to Introduce New COVID-19 Rules for Visitors in June


Downing Street has revealed that, beginning June 1, those arriving in the United Kingdom, including Britons returning from abroad, must self-isolate for a minimum of 14 days, as part of the country’s efforts to lessen the likelihood of a second wave of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.


The UK government is expected to strengthen its 14-day quarantine policy for those arriving or returning to the country following the end of the current coronavirus lockdown. The adjustment suggests that travelers who do not comply with the quarantine rules will face a £1,000 fine, according to Sky News.


The new measure will reportedly be announced on Friday by UK Home Secretary Priti Patel at the 10 Downing Street briefing and will go into force in June.


On 10 May, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, while detailing plans by his government to gradually ease the commonwealth's COVID-19 lockdown measures, said that the UK will “impose quarantine on people coming into this country by air”.


According to the new policy, travelers will be obliged to fill out a digital form that includes the address of where they will spend their quarantine period. Authorities will reportedly check those addresses regularly, and a breach of quarantine could lead to a £1,000 fine, or even deportation in some cases.


The new quarantine measures have been criticized by a number of national airlines.


The head of low-budget carrier Ryanair, Michael O'Leary, characterized the health measure as “idiotic” and “unimplementable”, while Airline UK said that the measure “would effectively kill” international travel to and from the country and result in “immeasurable damage to the aviation industry and wider UK economy”.


As of Thursday, the UK has registered over 252,200 cases COVID-19 infections, of which 36,124 have died.


What about illegals arriving by boat?

Anonymous ID: 5934fd May 21, 2020, 8:53 p.m. No.9272772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2839 >>2957 >>2982 >>2994

Illinois Lawmaker Floats Legislation to Give Governor Pritzker the Power to Confiscate Property Including Cars, Trucks, Food, Gas, Animals, Clothing, etc


Illinois lawmakers are attempting to pass legislation to give government the ability to confiscate property from business owners and citizens during state emergencies like the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.


Senator William E. Brady, the Illinois Minority leader in the state senate, introduced legislation on Wednesday that will give government the right to confiscate property from business owners who defy their lockdown orders.


Senator Brady is a Republican.


According to the proposed legislation SB3993 the government will set “safe place of business protocols” for businesses to follow to reopen.


The protocols include:


The protocols shall include:

(1) customer density limits based on business facilities’ square footage and appropriate social distancing;

(2) face covering requirements for employees; and

(3) regular cleaning regimens.

(d) The Department shall publish additional protocols for specific customer-facing businesses as necessary.

(e) A business that complies with the protocols may reopen and rehire staff at its discretion as soon as is practical.

(f) A hospital or other healthcare facility that abides by the protocols and is located in a Region with adequate intensive care unit capacity may offer the full spectrum of inpatient and outpatient care and treatment to its patients.

The Department shall conduct a public information campaign to explain hospitals’ and healthcare facilities’ safety protocols and to urge patients not to put off any necessary care.

(g) A day care center, as that term is defined under Section 2.09 of the Child Care Act of 1969, may reopen or expand its capacity at its discretion and as soon as is practical if it complies with the protocols.

Anonymous ID: 5934fd May 21, 2020, 8:55 p.m. No.9272795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2904

Washington State Loses "Hundreds Of Millions" To Nigerian Unemployment Claims Fraud Scheme


Just when you thought the world has reached a level of peak absurdity, the Nigerian scheme makes a grand reappearance.


Washington state officials admitted losing "hundreds of millions of dollars" to an international fraud scheme, originating out of Nigeria, that robbed the state’s unemployment insurance system and could mean even longer delays for thousands of jobless workers still waiting for legitimate benefits.


As the Seattle Times reported, Suzi LeVine, commissioner of the state Employment Security Department (ESD), disclosed the staggering losses during a news conference Thursday afternoon. LeVine declined to specify how much money was stolen during the scam, which she said appears to be orchestrated out of Nigeria but she conceded that the amount was "orders of magnitude above" the $1.6 million that ESD reported losing to fraudsters in April.


While LeVine said state and law enforcement officials were working to recover as much of the stolen money as possible, she declined to say how much had been returned so far. She also said the ESD had taken “a number of steps” to prevent new fraudulent claims from being filed or paid but would not specify the steps to avoid alerting criminals.


Thursday’s disclosure helped explain the unusual surge in the number of new jobless claims filed last week in Washington, which as we showed this morning was the state with the highest weekly increase in claims.

Anonymous ID: 5934fd May 21, 2020, 9:08 p.m. No.9273006   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Annastacia Palaszczuk power-mad over state border wars


Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has had a taste of the spotlight and is stringing out the bitter state border wars to stay centre stage.


For years, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has effectively been a supporting actress to Victoria’s and New South Wales’ leaders, but now she’s taken a lead role she clearly doesn’t want to relinquish the stage.


How else to explain her determination to create a border war with NSW, which is not only nonsensical but will damage the tourism industry in Far North Queensland for years to come.


Like a second-tier player who’s finally gained equal footing and greater relevancy in the national arena, she’s wielding her new-found power just a little too strongly.


We can only assume, given Australia’s deputy chief medical officer Paul Kelly has said there is no reason to keep the borders closed, that Ms Palaszczuk is playing a political game.


With a state election looming in October, and her Government looking vulnerable, the Labor leader is hoping that by appearing tough and defiant “to protect Queenslanders”, the commanding presence that has boosted Scott Morrison’s stocks will similarly empower her.


If so, she is both seriously misreading the state she claims to want to safeguard, and antagonising the others that help keep her economy afloat.


Stroppy north Queenslanders periodically call for their tourism-playground region to split with the south and create their own state.


With Ms Palaszczuk playing the stern nanny, you can see why.


Queenslanders who rely on tourism for a living are looking on in bewilderment as the most populous states, NSW and Victoria, release their people from the shackles of lockdown.


They can’t go overseas. All dressed up with nowhere foreign to go, the shivering southerners would be looking to Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia for some winter sun.


Ms Palaszczuk’s direct contravention of Prof Kelly’s view that a border closure “doesn’t make sense” threatens to kill off a chunk of Australia’s $80 billion domestic tourism industry if the state border remains closed throughout the lucrative winter holiday season. Last year, 2.2 million interstate overnight visitors travelled to Queensland in the winter season, spending more than $1.5 billion.


It’s not just her hardball stance that is antagonising tourism operators but her vacillating messages as to when the border may or may not reopen. For weeks she has been saying that the closure would be reviewed at the end of each month but on Monday she let slip that it might not happen until September. The state’s chief health officer Jeannette Young then said it may even be later than September but then confused matters further by saying it might be sooner. This comes just 10 days after the Premier released Queensland’s road map for easing restrictions which suggested interstate and further intrastate travel could be permitted from July 10.


It’s so laughably confusing, and somewhat reminiscent of comedian Matt Lucas’s scathing imitation of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s confounding speech a couple of weeks ago.


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