Anonymous ID: 5a5fd0 May 21, 2020, 9:16 p.m. No.9273069   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9272719 lb


One way for the Treasury to seize assets that are held in a Foundation is to

a) freeze their bank accounts

b) take over signing authority for the organization

c) order them who to pay and how much and when


Then the plan unfolds and it seems to the world as if the Foundation is doing what they claim to do. Of course, we know that they were lying and were actually laundering the money and making vigorish payments up the pyramid.


Butpatriots are now in controland since the things they claim to do are good things, patriotsmake it so.


It's another way of doing a BOOMerang takedown. To their evil buddies, at first everything looks normal, then they realize that the organization is actually HELPING THE CATTLE instead of killing them. So they try to fix the problem. But their emails get bounced back saying the domain name does not exist even though they can load the website in a browser. So they phone, but the phone rings and rings and rings. So they ask a secretary to try her phone on speaker. It rings once, a voice says Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, how may I direct your call. Mr. Big says that he would like to speak to Bill, and the line goes dead. They try again, same result


Then it dawns on Mr Big that some kind of voice recognition is cutting off the calls, so he gets a voice disguise device, and makes a call from a hotel room. Now there is no answer at all. He gives the receptionist $50 to call on her personal mobile. Same result.


It's as if someone is following him around and has hacked his comms. He tries an Instagram image post. To his horror, the image that actually appears on Instagram is not the one he made. Instead it tells Bill Gates, good job, keep up the good work using Cabal image and color comms, of course.


There are literally hundreds of thousands of people working on the plan around the world. This was a military coup in many countries, coordinated through backchannels until they went live back in 2012.


Why do you think the US military suddenly needed to send men and materials all around the world to do training exercises?

Anonymous ID: 5a5fd0 May 21, 2020, 9:26 p.m. No.9273192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3254


The TSD's NAOMI project is not well known, probably because they did some very bad things and wanted to keep it all very very secret. This 18 page report came out in the JFK release.


See attached,

Anonymous ID: 5a5fd0 May 21, 2020, 9:49 p.m. No.9273428   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Third Option is Vince Flynn's third novel, and the second to feature Mitch Rapp, an American agent who works for the CIA as an operative for a covert counterterrorism unit called the "Orion Team". The first book in the Mitch Rapp series, American Assassin, was written later, but is a prologue to Kill Shot, the second in this series. The title refers to the option in international relations when diplomacy fails and military intervention is inappropriate: black ops.