Anonymous ID: 66e3a7 May 21, 2020, 9:37 p.m. No.9273307   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3332


He wore at the request of one of the auto managers inside a specific area of the plant, so what?

Why make such a big deal over it?

I hardly wear one I keep it in my pocket because the work I do all day takes me to around twenty different places everyday.

It’s usually a hospital or clinic that will enforce wearing a mask, I pull it out of my pocket put it one for the few minutes I need to be there and take it off as I exit, put it back in my pocket.

Should I just say fuck it and quit my job or be fired for not cooperating with some rules that though I disagree with I do it anyway.

There is a better way to win a war, sometimes you have to know when to battle and when to fortify.

Trump chose a fortified position, you watch how he will have any criticism backfire on his opposition.

If we’ve learned anything yet about this POTUS it’s that he has great instincts and knows how to fight to win.

Anonymous ID: 66e3a7 May 21, 2020, 9:50 p.m. No.9273447   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Think of it this way. If he had gone into the one area they insisted he wear a mask and did not the media would have a hay day over Trump was the only person who refused to wear a mask in critical area to wear one. Why does he think he is above everyone else. If he chose not to go in, the spin would be Trump doesn’t really care about all those plant workers he wouldn’t tour the whole place. Bad optics.

Trump will have this turned to his favor, he is the ultimate troller of the left.