Anonymous ID: efc5f0 May 21, 2020, 9:51 p.m. No.9273457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3489 >>3546 >>3548

Satanists try to convince you that mankind is evil and broken. But what they don't tell you is we're not really evil, simply blinded. Truthfully, 95% of human beings will choose God over Satan once they understand. And they will understand - NOTHING can stop that. The Greatest Awakening.


Hey, if I came to understand, so can they. I was an atheist and had lost my way. I didn't believe in anything divine or "other-worldly" and was totally brainwashed by the communist progressive cult of destruction. We just need new eyes to see, and ONLY THEN do we have a CHOICE.


Humanity will choose light over dark and the world will be transformed. With all the facts laid bare, both painful and miraculous, only the sickest and most twisted would choose darkness. And that minority of evil souls who chooses evil will be damned forever.


Q told us "we are the majority" for a reason.


God wins.