Anonymous ID: b972ab May 22, 2020, 2 a.m. No.9274481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4494 >>4528 >>4546

Hate to burst everyone's bubble, but when Q said the end is not for everyone, I'm not sure just how far everyone actually thought about. We all say we're ready (declass, hammer, etc)


But who all is -actually- ready?

For the fallout?

The madness?

The death?

The rebuilding?


Sure, maybe the ten actual anons that come here…perhaps even some spooks have their affairs in order. The rest of you? Your families and friends? I'll be honest. I'm not, even while aware of the infinite probabilities. Got a decent community and a fluid game plan. [Redacted] as well I'm good on.


….for a little while. If events go the way I suspect, I pray my children come out of this alive and strong. Should I fall to vices or other worldly evils or by the hands of evil men, I'll die knowing that, regardless, every action was necessary. If it goes down we've got one chance to make America great AGAIN. The choice will be ours with the knowledge we possess. No more shifting into other timelines, singularity may be on the horizon