Anonymous ID: 2dbc60 May 22, 2020, 3:51 a.m. No.9274923   🗄️.is 🔗kun


3-Judge Panel


Henderson - 1986 RR appointment Fed Dis Ct

1990 41 " " " D.C. Circuit

(BB appointed AG 1991)


Wilkins - 2010 BO appointment D.C. Dist Ct.

2014 " " " D.C. Circuit Ct.


Rao - 2019 Trump appointment D.C. Circuit Court


….."Sullivan was asked Thursday by a three-judge panel of the federal appeals court in Washington to respond to Flynn within 10 days.


The composition of that panel may augur well for Flynn and for Trump, who has taken up the case as a rallying cry against former Obama administration officials he claims set up his former aide.


One of the appellate judges, Neomi Rao, was appointed to the court by Trump himself and has taken positions in favor of the president in other cases. Another of the judges, George H.W. Bush appointee Karen Henderson, also sided with Trump in a February ruling protecting his top aides from congressional subpoenas, though that decision was later overturned. The third judge on the panel, Robert Wilkins, was named to the bench by Obama."…..