Anonymous ID: b317c9 May 22, 2020, 4 a.m. No.9274952   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One thing about opening up…all those adrenochrome junkies using the stay at home b.s. as cover will need to explain their absence.


Who knows? Maybe they'll all just come back to work?

Anonymous ID: b317c9 May 22, 2020, 4:18 a.m. No.9275019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5035 >>5037


baby trudeau just, unilaterally, once again violated Canadian Law by instituting a policy banning over 1500 types of guns. Laws in Canada must be debated and passed in government…not shoved down people's throats by someone who didn't even win the last election and is only still sullying Canadian soil through the con of a "minority" government, probably the absolute worst type of poor governance.


We are truly fckd. Nobody fights for us. Our garbage media is the same garbage media as everyplace else in N. America. Our "conservatives" aren't, they're just socialists with greedy eyes and a different name for their club but ultimately…same shit, different pile.


Prayers is about all there is left, sadly.

Anonymous ID: b317c9 May 22, 2020, 4:25 a.m. No.9275050   🗄️.is 🔗kun


But he wont be, and he wont step down and he wont be recalled and neither will the other piece of animal excrement masquerading as a 'mayor.'


The globalist pigs have already hated New York and they seem to be determined to destroy it and who gives a shit how many people cuomo killed anyway by purposely and "KNOWINGLY" causing the deaths of so many of the seniors the globalist scum hate because they receive pensions and health care and puhlousy needs more ice cream money.


The people of New York have given in just like the people in so many places. You can tell who has given up…they wear the masks the globalist scum want them to wear as an identifier and they are pushing contact tracing as end to privacy and people - especially the uneducated moronials who believe everything the demonrats propaganda wing tell them.


Sad. I've been to New York…wonder if they'll build on the corpse?