Anonymous ID: d643a8 May 22, 2020, 5:11 a.m. No.9275244   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> a non-existent transcript?


I think there is a call transcript, but that's not what the FBI used to frame Gen. Flynn.


The transcript the FBI used is what the FBI showed Pence and McGahn to get Flynn fired. My take is that Flynn didn't lie to Pence after the call, rather Pence assumed the transcript the FBI showed him was legit. Since that transcript didn't match what Flynn said, Pence assumed he was lied to.


Further, that fake FBI transcript is now evidence against McCabe, et all, explaining proof tied up in other investigations.


I think the same trick was tried with the Ukraine call clusterfuck, but POTUS was wise to their game by then.