Anonymous ID: fce0cc May 22, 2020, 2:53 a.m. No.9274690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5045 >>5120 >>5284

Worth remembering [soon].



Potentially illegal surveillance on Q Team/Potus

1-My past digs based on timelimes show the hack was discovered shortly before [ 93 dk], this was a hack of DISA–NSA/CSS? Infrastructure handling secured DOD comms for WH and Potus (and Q?)

2-Q went dark after and I believe this was a [Trap] of sorts related to illegally predicated surveillance, perhaps same Op related to JS, SC surveil. I believe Coats was involved and House (Nancy/Shifty/Nadler) provided cover.

3-Moar digs required but my premise is they were after Potus comms, and Q, Coats and intel agencies had a SAP, or hidden Op under leaker, Potus prior gave declass judgement to Barr. They set [Trap] or at least found hack, back traced, located SAP (Op), Barr declassed intel which predicated it, found it to be illegal (fake intel to predicate) and Coats was complicit and leaks appeared he was resigning. Coats resigned when Q came back I think and Kun started up.

4-I think this is HUGE because it follows the illegal Op pattern and occured later in the game, involved Coats and journalists, and MILITARY Secure Comms. AN attack on Potus and his MIL defenders by civilian Intel.

5-This was vital to getting Coats out, journos free, Comms secure and the next phase of justice started, by Exposing a grossly abusive action in the Coup against Potus.



Department of Defense’s DISA Confessed Data Breach


U.S. agency that handles Trump's secure communication suffered data breach


Data breach hits agency overseeing White House communications



Computer systems controlled by DISA were hacked in the summer of 2019, and was reported in February 2020, exposing the personal data of about 200,000 people including names and social security numbers

Anonymous ID: fce0cc May 22, 2020, 3:04 a.m. No.9274749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4818 >>5120 >>5284

CONFIRMED: Governor Whitmer Begs Michiganders Not to Travel to their Summer Home — Then Her Cars Are Seen Parked Outside of HER SUMMER HOME!


Tyrannical Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed an executive order that banned regular Michiganders from traveling between residences in the state. Whitmer banned travel to summer homes.


Whitmer extended the ban on traveling to summer homes thru April 30th. The ban was lifted but Governor Whitmer begged Michiganders not to travel up north.

Anonymous ID: fce0cc May 22, 2020, 3:11 a.m. No.9274777   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q proof

anons? Powell seems to confirm there is moar evidence to Free Flynn, but it may not be available because it is being used in other cases.


Powell May 2020:

Powell: I have no doubt there’s more exculpatory evidence out there. They may want to use that for other cases or other prosecutions, but at the very least our motion to dismiss should be granted


Q 3693 Dec 16, 2019:

Same evidence to FREE FLYNN currently being used to INDICT others [GJ]?

Anonymous ID: fce0cc May 22, 2020, 3:16 a.m. No.9274797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5120 >>5284

Taiwan: Chinas line to be Breached?


Taiwan’s Inauguration of President Tsai Ing-wen


Press Statement

Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State

May 19, 2020

I would like to congratulate Dr. Tsai Ing-wen on the commencement of her second term as Taiwan’s President. Her re-election by a huge margin shows that she has earned the respect, admiration, and trust of the people on Taiwan. Her courage and vision in leading Taiwan’s vibrant democracy is an inspiration to the region and the world.


The United States has long considered Taiwan a force for good in the world and a reliable partner. Support for Taiwan in the United States is bipartisan and unanimous, as demonstrated by the recent enactment of the TAIPEI Act which strengthens our overall relationship and supports a closer economic partnership. We have a shared vision for the region—one that includes rule of law, transparency, prosperity, and security for all. The recent COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity for the international community to see why Taiwan’s pandemic-response model is worthy of emulation.


As we look toward the future, I am confident that, with President Tsai at the helm, our partnership with Taiwan will continue to flourish.


Best wishes for a successful second term.