Anonymous ID: 43e244 May 22, 2020, 6:07 a.m. No.9275511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5526

More than 250 plaintiffs join lawsuit challenging governor’s executive order


Dr Hotze's lawsuit against governor Abbott see excerpt below from article, involves an affidavit from Dr Shiva Ayyadurai "the inventor of email" with 4 degrees from MIT. multiple research projects including one with Nom Chomsky "1982 UROP Research, History of India’s Caste System, Prof. Noam Chomsky, MIT" he is a Fullbright Scholar and has multiple awards from Disney. See attached affidavit and Dr. ayyaduria


"The lawsuit against the governor alleges the March 19 Executive Order GA-08 and the March 31 Executive Order GA-14 violate Article 1 sections 6 and 28 of the Texas Constitution, and Order GA-14 violates the Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act. It also alleges the governor did not have a compelling interest to justify issuing the orders and did not meet the legal strict scrutiny test standard, and engaged in ultra vires activity exceeding his authority under the Texas Constitution.


Article 1, Section 28 of the Texas Constitution gives the Legislature the sole authority to suspend laws, Woodhill argues. But the power of the executive order was granted through the Disaster Declaration Act of 1975, Woodhill notes, by a Democratic trifecta state government. That law has never been challenged until now. The governor cited the 1975 law as the basis for his authority when first issuing Order GA-08."


More than 250 plaintiffs join lawsuit challenging governor’s executive order