Anonymous ID: 68c754 May 22, 2020, 5:54 a.m. No.9275428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5523



anons need to make some noise about this Fraudci associate and current NIH director. Fraudci answers to Collins.


Collins is on the "Coronavirus Task Force 2.0" and is described by Dr. Mikovits as a key part of the satanic oligarchy that runs the vaccine racket.


Collins is soon to be exposed for the fraud he is and thankfully, the Dems have been too stupid to beach POTUS to the punch in calling Collins out.


Let's keep up the pressure on Fraudci but at the same time let's open up a new battle front on Collins. This asshole needs to be shown for what he is, especially if you are among those fearing a nationwide mandatory vaccination campaign.

Anonymous ID: 68c754 May 22, 2020, 6:36 a.m. No.9275719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5921


just a few things to get anons started on the scientific fraud that is "Dr." Francis Collins


book: Plague: One Scientist?s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses by Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively

Anonymous ID: 68c754 May 22, 2020, 6:52 a.m. No.9275833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5867


>For those that think Abbott is a good Governor (as I previously did):


I love Texas and Texans, but my Lord, they can be some gullible people… just look at how TX conservatives fawned over int'l narcoterrorist GHWB and his witch of a 'wife', 'that sweet little old lady Barb'.


All the bastard had to do was show up at Rangers and Astros games to throw out first pitches once in a while, and TX Republican voters ate that shit right up.


Oh look, he eats at Fuzzy's Pizza, he's one of us…. (barf)


There's a difference between a woke R voter and sleeping R voter and it seems that most TX R voters are in the latter category.

Anonymous ID: 68c754 May 22, 2020, 6:59 a.m. No.9275884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5981


Ted Howze in central Commiefornia is a Republican running for Congress on a platform similar to Jo Anne's, but the GOP just pulled its endorsement of Howze.


Howze deserves anons' support… dude is woke as shit. official campaign site


commie media freaking out over Howze's truth bombs about Muzzies, Hussein, and pedophilia in the swamp:

Anonymous ID: 68c754 May 22, 2020, 7:01 a.m. No.9275899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5920


in the age of laser-guided munitions, would turning off all the city lights have the same advantage it does during wartime that it did back in WW2?


Seeing Beijing blacked out like that, my first thought was: They are expecting a bombing run.