Anonymous ID: c837fc May 22, 2020, 8:07 a.m. No.9276406   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What, good sir, is that on your face?

Why it’s a mask young squire, you need one poste haste!

Why good sir, do I need a mask on my face?

Because young squire, we must save our great race!

Save it from what, may I ask you good sir?

Why the virus young squire, haven’t you heard?

A virus good sir? You believe in all that?

Next thing you’ll tell me is that it’s from a bat.

Now young squire, you must do as your told.

Our overlords know best, for us to grow old.

Good sire, you jest, I deny your request!

I won’t wear a mask, nor a bra on my chest.

For I am a free man, with heart and a song!

I won’t wear a mask, nor wear a butt thong!

Young squire, you’re a fool, and surely you’ll die.

They say a mask will solve all, it comes from on high.

Good sir, You are wrong, a mask will not stop,

microscopic germs, or even a fart!

Good sir, take your mask, and place it in your ass,

For I for one, think I shall now pass.