Anyone else find it interesting that gold and silver are 1:100 ratio right now?
Anyone else find it interesting that gold and silver are 1:100 ratio right now?
I think silver is going to continue to move up, shrinking the ratio. Thoughts?
Ngl, seeing that mask on his face saddened me a bit.
It certainly is. Once the fed is dead, and that's not far off, and we return to the gold standard, what do you think the price will end up being? I've heard anything from $20,000 - $100,000 / oz for gold and $500 - $5000 / oz for silver. Not sure what to think.
I don't even know who tf they are.
I guess I'm in the minority, then.
Obviously. Im speaking from a purely speculative standpoint.
I seriously doubt that. Sound money isn't sound unless it's backed by something.
Don't tease.