Anonymous ID: 73dbd2 May 22, 2020, 9:42 a.m. No.9277180   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mueller Lead Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann Headlining Fundraiser For Joe Biden


Andrew Weissmann was the lead prosecutor for the Mueller investigation and has a history of being a shark lawyer. Sydney Powell, Michael Flynn’s attorney, knows of Weissmann’s dirty tactics to take down Arthur Anderson, Enron, and anyone in his way (see below).


Powell calls Weissmann a “dirty prosecutor” in the interview below from last year.


Weissmann is now showing his bias by boldly headlining a virtual fundraiser for Joe Biden:


Andrew Weissmann, former lead prosecutor on Mueller’s special counsel team, is headlining a June 2nd virtual fundraiser for Biden.


— Ken Thomas (@KThomasDC) May 21, 2020

Anonymous ID: 73dbd2 May 22, 2020, 9:44 a.m. No.9277200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7331

Pakistani passenger aircraft crashes in residential neighborhood


BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:30 P.M.) – Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) confirmed that its passenger plane with 107 people on board crashed today while trying to land at Karachi Airport.


The company spokesman told reporters that the Airbus A320 was carrying 99 passengers and an eight-person crew to Karachi from Lahore when it crashed near Jinnah International Airport.


The stricken flight bears the number PK-8303.


Lahore-Karachi bound PIA plane crashes near Malir Cantt.


— Fazil Jamili (@faziljamili) May 22, 2020


The plane crashed into residential homes in the inhabited Model Colony area, adding to concerns about casualties not only among passengers but also among locals.


It has not been revealed yet whether there were any survivors on board the plane.

Anonymous ID: 73dbd2 May 22, 2020, 9:46 a.m. No.9277227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7408 >>7559 >>7681

Pompeo says Russia used Open-Skies Treaty to find targets for missile attacks


On Thursday, the Trump administration announced its plan to withdraw from the Treaty on Open Skies, citing numerous concerns of Russian non-compliance.


While the U.S. has raised issue with Russia blocking U.S. surveillance flights over its territory, as is provided for in the treaty, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo raised another particular concern in comments to The Washington Times on Wednesday. Pompeo indicated U.S. concerns that Russia used the surveillance flights permitted in the treaty to gather data on U.S. and allied targets.


“Moscow appears to use Open Skies imagery in support of an aggressive new Russian doctrine of targeting critical infrastructure in the United States and Europe with precision-guided conventional munitions,” Pompeo said.


The Treaty on Open Skies was originally envisioned to allow member countries to fly surveillance flights over each other’s territories so they could monitor military actions and insure against imminent attacks.

Anonymous ID: 73dbd2 May 22, 2020, 9:49 a.m. No.9277255   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Evidence Indicates that the Entire Plot to Prevent President Trump from Winning the 2016 Election and Then Governing If He Won Started in … ITALY!


As information continues to surface on Obamagate, the puzzle pieces are beginning to fall into place. And many of the most significant pieces are turning up overseas in, of all places, Italy.


After the release a week ago of transcripts from individual testimonies in front of the US House of Representatives, George Papadopoulos released the following tweet about Obamagate in Italy:


We now know that Italy was involved in spying on me in Rome with Mifsud and Flynn case. Durham’s probe became criminal after learning about this from Italian officials. Key question is, why did Obama have the Italian PM visit him in October 2016 right when the spying ramped up?


— George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) May 14, 2020


Obama and the former leader of Italy, Matteo Renzi, held meetings in Italy before the 2016 election and in early 2017.

Anonymous ID: 73dbd2 May 22, 2020, 9:53 a.m. No.9277305   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Washington Loses 'Hundreds Of Millions' Of Dollars To Unemployment Fraud


Impostors have used the stolen information of tens of thousands of people in the state to fraudulently receive hundreds of millions of dollars in unemployment benefits, the head of Washington’s Employment Security Department said Thursday.


Commissioner Suzi LeVine said that the state is currently working with federal law enforcement, financial institutions and the U.S. Department of Labor to investigate the fraud and to try and recover the money paid out during the coronavirus crisis.


LeVine said she can’t release specific numbers or details of the ongoing investigation. But she said that countermeasures taken by the state have “prevented hundreds of millions of additional dollars from going out to criminals and have prevented thousands of fraudulent claims being filed.”

Anonymous ID: 73dbd2 May 22, 2020, 9:57 a.m. No.9277341   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Learn to Code…Media Bitches


Advertising slump during virus crisis hits media jobs


Media redundancies, partial layoffs and managerial wage cuts are on the rise as advertising markets implode, despite customers showing an ever stronger appetite for information on the coronavirus crisis.


  • First press victims -


In France, several newspapers, including Le Parisien, have placed staffers on partial unemployment, notably in services where the virus has forced coverage to be stripped right back.


Sports daily L'Equipe, which publishes a paper seven days a week as well as a website, has been particularly hard hit, furloughing staff as most of the world's sporting competitions lie idle.


Regional daily Paris-Normandie, already struggling to stay afloat, has been placed in judicial liquidation.


In Britain, The Economist magazine has said it is laying off 90 people in support roles while The Guardian is furloughing 100 non-editorial staff in response to tumbling ad revenues.


Staff with Italy's state news agency ANSA meanwhile held a 48-hour strike to protest at an emergency plan to make a string of cuts.


US media have likewise not been immune to the market consequences of the crisis.


Conde Nast, publisher of the likes of Vogue, Wired, or New Yorker, has announced it is laying off 100 of its 6,000 staff and furloughing another 100.


Fortune magazine has laid off 35 staff around one in ten while cutting managerial salaries by 30 percent.

Anonymous ID: 73dbd2 May 22, 2020, 10:03 a.m. No.9277391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7559 >>7681

Horowitz: 67K criminals released so far under coronavirus jailbreak. And crime keeps rising


Is this the country for which our soldiers sacrificed their lives?


By now, most Americans are familiar with the shocking stories of everyday Americans getting arrested for simply opening businesses that don’t even attract large crowds. However, fewer are aware of the other side of this dystopian and tyrannical equation. As salt-of-the-earth small business owners are being marched into the jails, career dangerous criminals are being marched out of the jails and prisons in astounding numbers.


According to UCLA, which is tracking this data, 67,000 criminals have been released throughout the 50 states. The majority of the criminals, 43,000 of them, have been released from the nation’s jails, and 24,356 were released from prisons.


Consequently, given that we know the shocking degree of recidivism even among criminals more carefully selected for release, we can add victims of crime due to coronavirus jailbreak as the latest long-term death toll from COVID-19, or at least from the governmental reaction to it.


Remember, this has nothing to do with fear of prisoners dying of coronavirus. Just a few hundred deaths have been recorded out of a population of 2.2 million inmates, lower than that of the general population. In most prisons, the overwhelming majority of those who got the virus have been asymptomatic and are now already immune and have been for quite some time. Thus, there is no reason to release large numbers of convicted criminals, most of whom are young and healthy.

Anonymous ID: 73dbd2 May 22, 2020, 10:07 a.m. No.9277425   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IMF: COVID-19 crisis will squeeze global bank profits for years


May 22 (UPI) – Banking institutions around the world are likely to face pressure on profit margins in the coming years due to the sharp and abrupt strain brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, the International Monetary Fund said in an outlook Friday.


In its latest Global Financial Stability Report, IMF analysts warn that financial vulnerabilities that built up over a decade of extremely low interest rates and increased market volatility are now being disrupted by economic fallout from the pandemic.


Banking profits, it says, will be squeezed in the coming years by a "persistent period of low interest rates."


The IMF report said simulations conducted for a group of nine advanced economies showed that a large fraction of their banking sectors may fail to generate profits above their cost of equity in 2025.

Anonymous ID: 73dbd2 May 22, 2020, 10:10 a.m. No.9277467   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Of Technocrats And Authoritarianism


“If we are really interested in democracy, we cannot passively cede to the ethos of technocracy that our lazy and cowardly politicians and their media servants are now relentlessly foisting upon us.”


Technocrats invariably posture themselves as being politically agnostic because they have “objective science” on their side. The problem is that their science is anything but objective and they are driven by the ideology of social engineering. ⁃ TN Editor


It is important in these days of constant calls to heed the advice of “experts” on the spread of the Coronavirus to recall the intimate historical links between the concept of technocracy and the practice of authoritarianism.


As soon as the ideal of a truly representative democracy moved to the center of European and American life at the end of the 19th century, those slated to lose power under this new social order began touting the advent of a supreme modern wisdom, transcendent of disputes, that would spare us all the inherent messiness and inefficiency of government by and for the people.


Interestingly, Spain played a key role in the development of this ideological current.

Anonymous ID: 73dbd2 May 22, 2020, 10:13 a.m. No.9277489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7592 >>7603 >>7681

Evil Facebook now banning any link from or in PRIVATE messaging!


As Joe Rogan is now leading a mass exodus away from the techno-fascist Google / YouTube universe, Facebook is ramping up its censorship to a level that will give Attorneys General across the United States plenty of ammunition in their antitrust lawsuits against the social media giant.


After blacklisting the sharing of any link from — a free-speech video platform — and, Facebook is now blocking any mention of Brighteon or NaturalNews in private messaging on Facebook.


That means this is much more than just censoring the public sharing of Brighteon videos or NaturalNews articles: It’s really about punitive, antitrust oppression of competing sources of user-generated content. Facebook is going “full mafia” and entering the realm of clearly criminal conduct that goes far beyond any protections of Sec. 230 of the DMCA.

Anonymous ID: 73dbd2 May 22, 2020, 10:15 a.m. No.9277514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7525 >>7535 >>7606 >>7768 >>7809

VA Secretary: Hydroxychloroquine Is Safe - And We'll Keep Giving It to Veterans


Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie pushed back Thursday against critics of the VA’s use of the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 patients.


During an appearance on the Fox News show “Fox & Friends First,” Wilkie was asked about media reports claiming that taking the drug can kill patients instead of effecting a cure.


“Well I think it’s nonsense,” Wilkie said.


“And I’ll echo what the president said the other day. I think it’s more aimed at President Trump than it is against the science because as we speak, Dr. Fauci and his institute are conducting very detailed clinical trials if this and I would also underline the fact that it is the 128th most-used drug in this country,” Wilkie said, referring to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.


“We have seen it work in many settings across America and our goal at VA is to do everything we can to preserve and prolong life,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 73dbd2 May 22, 2020, 10:20 a.m. No.9277556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7681

Church Fighting Lockdown Order Burns to Ground, Disturbing Message Left in Parking Lot


A Mississippi church fighting to keep its doors open amid the coronavirus pandemic burned to the ground early Wednesday morning in what is being investigated as a suspected arson.


First Pentecostal Church in the northern Mississippi community of Holly Springs is described as a total loss after it burned down in a middle-of-the-night blaze.


WATN-TV reported firefighters arrived at the church after receiving a call about the fire at around 2:30 a.m. Wednesday.


A message spray-painted on concrete outside of the church seemed to make mention of the congregation’s fight to worship freely as the church fought a government-imposed stay-at-home order.


”Bet you stay home now you hypokrits,” the painted message said.

Anonymous ID: 73dbd2 May 22, 2020, 10:27 a.m. No.9277610   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cuban to Send Indentured Medical Workers to Mexico

Mexico, under López Obrador, joins the shameful list of countries that support the Cuban dictatorship.


Spanish – A couple of weeks ago, President López Obrador claimed that the COVID-19 pandemic had “fit like a glove.” There was much debate at the time about the meaning of his words, which were, to say the least, inappropriate given the tragedy of hundreds of deaths that were already beginning to occur.


In light of what has been published over the last few days, he may have been referring to the fact that he finally achieved the goal he had been seeking for some time: to grant a lifeline to the Cuban dictatorship, by “hiring” between 590 and 800 Cuban doctors (I say “doctors” for the sake of convenience, since in reality they also include nurses, paramedics, therapists, stretcher operators, and other health care workers) to work in Mexico, the majority (supposedly 720 of them) concentrated in the country’s capital. This information is based on reports from the Mexico City authorities. It was necessary to provide transportation, food, and lodging to the professionals mentioned above in several hotels in the city. Hotels were forced to give up their rooms without compensation to “cooperate” in the official efforts against the pandemic. The federal government has been blunt about this.

Anonymous ID: 73dbd2 May 22, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.9277666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7678 >>7681 >>7683 >>7720

Mike Pompeo calls Beijing’s move against Hong Kong ‘disastrous’ and hints at US sanctions

‘We stand with the people of Hong Kong,’ US secretary of state says in warning mainland leaders against imposing national security law

Pompeo’s agency can sanction people who undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy and is authorised to determine whether the city should retain its special trade status


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reiterated a warning to China about Beijing’s plan to pass a new national security law tailor-made for Hong Kong, calling the move “a death knell” for the semi-autonomous city and holding out the threat of sanctions.

“The United States condemns the People’s Republic of China (PRC) National People’s Congress proposal to unilaterally and arbitrarily impose national security legislation on Hong Kong,” Pompeo said on Friday.

“The decision to bypass Hong Kong’s well-established legislative processes and ignore the will of the people of Hong Kong would be a death knell for the high degree of autonomy Beijing promised for Hong Kong under the Sino-British Joint Declaration, a UN-filed agreement,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 73dbd2 May 22, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.9277719   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Alaska lifts restrictions on all businesses; N.Y., N.J. reopen state beaches


May 22 (UPI) – All businesses in Alaska will be allowed to reopen Friday, as will some beaches in New York, New Jersey and other neighboring states as officials ease more coronavirus-related restrictions.


In Alaska, all businesses and places of worship will be allowed to open starting Friday.


Under Phases 3 and 4 of Gov. Mike Dunleavy's reopening plan, bars, restaurants, gyms, retail stores and all other businesses can welcome in-person customers ahead of the Memorial Day weekend.


The state released new guidelines Thursday for reopening and urged businesses to keep many of the policies required under earlier phases such as requiring face coverings, supplying hand sanitizer and social distancing practices.