Anonymous ID: cba79c May 22, 2020, 9:28 a.m. No.9277050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7160 >>7544


i remember this incident (attempted false flag nuke attack off of South Carolina coast).


Not sure if 8ch at that time had anons digging on this kind of stuff.


Hate to say it, but there was a crowd over at GLP at the time of this incident that was turning up stuff, some of which would have been worthy of this board… floating in a sea of rubbish naturally.


You might look at the GLP threads on the South Carolina nuke incident (alleged) from that time.

Anonymous ID: cba79c May 22, 2020, 9:50 a.m. No.9277267   🗄️.is 🔗kun


much of the original story traced back to a Sorcha Faal article but there were other scraps of evidence that seemed to suggest something involving a nuke occurred there at the time.


The gist of the story went something like this:


"Did Obama Try to Nuke South Carolina?

No, but tell that to the ‘European Union Times’

David Axe


Oct 21, 2013 · 3 min read



A U.S. nuclear bomb exploded off the South Carolina coast after U.S. military leaders refused an order by Pres. Barack Obama to destroy Charleston in a false-flag operation to create chaos in the United States, claims a European newspaper.


According to the European Union Times article, Soviet military intelligence, known as the GRU, notified President Putin and the Soviet Russian General Staff that a U.S. B-61-11 nuclear bomb exploded 620 miles off the coast of Charleston on Oct. 8th, causing a magnitude 4.5 earthquake that Russian intelligence was able to measure through seismic detectors.


Now comes the truly strange part. “In the aftermath of the Obama regime’s failed false flag nuclear attack on Charleston,” said the article, the GRU discovered that Obama fired Navy Vice Adm. Tim Giardina and Air Force Maj. Gen. Michael Carey, and Marine Corps Major Generals Charles Gurganus and Gregg Sturdevant for refusing to execute the diabolical order.


“Adm. Giardina and Gen. Carey were the first to note Obama’s transferring of nuclear weapons to Charleston outside of the normal chain of command, GRU experts say in this report, Generals Gurganus and Sturdevant were tasked with leading U.S. Marine troops from Camp Lejeune in North Carolina to begin the implementation of martial law after this false flag attack had taken place,” said the European Union Times.


As the saying goes, war is politics by other means, and South Carolina might as well be in a political state of war with Obama. But the president of the United States resorting to nukes to stop the Tea Party? Crazy as that sounds, had to post a denial.

What is interesting about the story is that it seeks a patina of credibility by linking to real events. Four U.S. commanders were indeed fired this month, but not for mutiny. Giardana and Carey were senior commanders of U.S. nuclear forces that failed recent inspections of missile launch crew readiness, as well as alleged lapses in personal behavior.


