Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 10:48 a.m. No.9277811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7843 >>8136 >>8442 >>8466

Feminist magazine columnist brushes off Biden's sex assault allegations and says he would get her vote even if he 'boiled babies and ate them' because she is so desperate to get Trump out of the White House


A feminist writer has brushed off Joe Biden's sexual assault allegations and says she would vote for him to be president even 'if he boiled babies and ate them'.


Magazine columnist Katha Pollitt, 70, wrote she was so desperate to get President Donald Trump out of the White House that democrat presumptive nominee Joe Biden had her vote despite allegations he sexually assaulted Tara Reade in 1993.


Writing in The Nation, where she has a bimonthly column called Subject To Debate, Ms Pollitt said: 'I would vote for Joe Biden if he boiled babies and ate them.'


'I cannot believe that a rational person can grasp the disaster that is Donald Trump and withhold their support from Biden because of Tara Reade,' she added. 'I would say this even if I had no problems with Reade's account.'


Ms Pollitt is well-known for her prominent writings on feminist discourse and has written books titled; Reasonable Creatures: Essays on Women and Feminism, and Subject to Debate: Sense and Dissents on Women, Politics and Culture.



Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.9277819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7946 >>7957 >>7997 >>8136 >>8155 >>8442 >>8466

Former US Attorney Joe diGenova: Obama May Not Be Indicted Individually But He and Biden May Be Included “In An Indictment As People Who Were Either Used or Participated” in a Criminal Conspiracy


Former US Attorney Joe diGenova was on the Howie Carr radio show again this week and as always, he provided more accurate information on what is going on in the John Durham investigation.

Joe diGenova was with Howie Carr and he again shed some light on the Durham investigation and actions taken by Obama’s Deep State. Here are some of his comments from the below interview:


About AG Barr at the :30 mark: The Attorney General is applying the rules that should be applied. Now that doesn’t mean that in his decision he’s not going to charge either President Obama or Vice President Biden. That he would not name them in an indictment as people who were either used or participated. And it doesn’t mean that when John Durham writes his report for the Attorney General that he isn’t going to outline the activities, and conduct and actions of President Obama and Vice President Biden. Those are two different things.

About his efforts to help Sidney Powell in a petition for General Flynn at the 3:30 mark: Just so you know, as a matter of public disclosure, Victoria Toensing, my wife and I, filed a motion in the DC Circuit today to sponsor Sidney Powell in a couple of her lawyers, so that they could plead their cases in the DC Circuit. And I expect that Sidney Powell is going to file pleadings. I don’t know what they are because we are not party to the pleadings. All we did was assist them to become members of the court so that they can file pleadings.

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.9277873   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another sucker punch for the poor amid Covid-19 crisis as new study reveals Britain’s top 1% enjoy 17% of nation’s income


According to new analysis, Britain’s highest-paid one percent took home 17 percent of the country’s income ahead of the coronavirus pandemic – more than was previously thought – provoking a bitter backlash.


A study by Warwick University, the London School of Economics (LSE) and the Resolution Foundation – which took into consideration the concentration of taxable capital gains – showed that the top one percent had a larger slice of the income pie than was previously thought, and it was increasing.


The team of economic researchers analyzed previously confidential data from HMRC – the UK government department responsible for the collection of taxes – and found that some capital gains were, in reality, sources of income, and these were heavily concentrated among the well-off.


Capital gains tax is a tax on the profit made when someone sells an asset that’s increased in value. The study noted that taxable capital gains were frequently related to people’s work and were more akin to earnings from employment than passive investment returns.


Dr Andrew Summers, assistant professor at the LSE, said: “Capital gains are taxed at much lower rates than regular income, but the legal line between these is very blurred. A lot of capital gains are, in fact, just repackaged income going to the already-rich.”


The timing of the study comes as a bitter pill for the low earners in society, many of whom are having to risk their own health during the coronavirus outbreak by continuing frontline work in the health and social care, transport and retail sectors – for little return in their pay packets.


America's billonaires got $484billion RICHER during the pandemic - with the top five seeing a combined $76billion added to their personal wealth


America's billionaires have got $484 billion richer during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new report.

Data taken from mid-March to mid-May shows that the country's wealthiest have profited from the health crisis.


The top five U.S. billionaires - Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett and Larry Ellison - saw their wealth grow by a total of $75.5 billion, or 19%, the report found.

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.9277885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8011

Doctors Push for ‘Climate Change’ to Be Recorded on Death Certificates



Researchers at Australian National University (ANU) have called for ‘climate change’ to be recorded as a cause of death on death certificates. They claim that in Australia, the rate of people dying as a result of global warming may be 50 times higher than is officially acknowledged.


In a letter to The Lancet Planetary Health, researchers Arnagretta Hunter and Simon Quilty claim the impact of climate change is currently understated.


National mortality records in Australia suggest substantial under-reporting of heat-related mortality. Less than 0·1% of 1·7 million deaths between 2006 and 2017 were attributed directly or indirectly to excessive natural heat. However, recent research indicates that official records underestimate the association at least 50-fold.


According to the Sydney Morning Herald:


Over the past 11 years in Australia, just 340 deaths have been recorded as being caused by excessive heat, but statistical analysis by two doctors with the Australian National University shows that 36,765 could have been attributed to heat.


“Climate change is a killer, but we don’t acknowledge it on death certificates,” co-author Arnagretta Hunter, from the ANU Medical School, said.




“Climate change is the single greatest health threat that we face globally even after we recover from coronavirus.


“We are successfully tracking deaths from coronavirus, but we also need healthcare workers and systems to acknowledge the relationship between our health and our environment.”


Dr Hunter and her co-author Dr Simon Quilty, call for death certificates to include more information about factors contributing to deaths.


Climate activists around the world see the coronavirus pandemic as a crisis which they must not allow to go to waste. The timing of this letter suggests that they are learning their lessons well. They may have noted that in many countries, the medical authorities have adopted extraordinarily lax policies towards the inclusion of “Covid-19” on death certificates.


In the UK, for example, as Ronan Maher has reported here and here, the Coronavirus Act (2020) includes clauses which makes it possible for doctors to put Covid-19 as a cause of death on certificates without even having seen the patient before their death — and with little independent oversight. This makes it quite possible that significant numbers of Coronavirus victims either did not have the disease – or did have the disease but only as a minor adjunct to much more serious conditions which killed them.


As the authors of the letter to Lancet Planetary Health must surely be aware, including ‘climate change’ as a cause of death on death certificates is fraught with similar difficulties. As well as being easily abused by activists with an agenda, it is impossible to attribute with any certainty even extreme weather events to climate change.

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 10:54 a.m. No.9277906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7960 >>8136 >>8442 >>8466

Armed Israeli Settlers Set Palestinian Farmlands on Fire near Tulkarem


Several armed Israeli colonists set fire to Palestinian farm lands, east of the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem, early on Thursday, near the illegal Annab colonial settlement, which was built on the lands of Ramin village.


Local Palestinian farmers told media outlets that the armed settlers set fire to tens of fruitful trees, with the Israeli occupation army soldiers present and providing protection to the assailants.


Local farmer, Emad Salman, was quoted as saying that the arson led to the burning of tens of olive trees and almond trees in Palestinian farm lands, estimated at 12 acres.


Palestinian civil service crews, including fire fighters, arrived on the scene to extinguish the fire, locals said that the crews continued extinguishing for several hours.


Palestinian General Director of Agriculture in the Tulkarem governorate, Samir Samara, told the official Palestinian WAFA News Agency, that the flames, caused by the colonialist settlers, damaged approximately 10 acres of farm lands.


Important to note that illegal Israeli settlers also attacked Palestinian cars and shops, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, on Thursday.

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.9277959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8016 >>8066 >>8137

‘If This Clown Show Happened On Fox, You’d Be Raging’: Janice Dean Fires Back At Ana Navarro For Defending Cuomo Brothers


Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean and Ana Navarro engaged in a heated exchange Thursday over a CNN segment with anchor Chris Cuomo and his brother, Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.


The two were discussing a segment from CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time” during which Chris mocked Andrew over a video of his coronavirus test.


When Media Research Center’s Nicholas Fondacaro pointed out the fact that Chris was engaging in televised sibling rivalry rather than asking the hard questions — such as why his brother had ordered nursing homes to accept patients with confirmed or suspected coronavirus cases — Navarro defended the Cuomos.


“For months, @CNN has carried almost 24/7 sobering Covid-news. A few minutes of friendly bantering b/w 2 brothers w/high-profile, high-stress jobs, is not supposed to be journalism. It’s called humor. It is a coping mechanism for some of us. Simple. If it offends you, don’t watch,” Navarro said.


“One guy faked his own quarantine. The other guy let recovering Covid patients back into nursing homes which ultimately I believe killed one or both of my in-laws,” Dean responded. “If this clown show happened on Fox, you’d be raging. Sit down, please.”


Navarro said that she felt sympathy for families who had lost loved ones, but immediately pivoted to attack Fox News, adding, “If this had happened on Fox News, I would not have seen it.”

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 11 a.m. No.9277982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8136 >>8442 >>8466

SHOCKING: More New Yorkers Died from Governor Cuomo’s Coronavirus Nursing Home Policy than Died on 9/11


What a disaster! The actions of New York’s governor Andrew Cuomo have led to thousands of coronavirus deaths in the state.

A memo dated March 25, 2020, ordered state officials to move coronavirus patients to nursing homes.


It was New York state policy to put the sick patients back in the nursing home.

This order has since been removed from the New York State Department of Health website.

More people died in nursing homes in New York, due to Governor Cuomo’s policies, than died on 9/11.

Michael Goodwin at the New York Post reported this week:


Two weeks ago, Gov. ­Andrew Cuomo was first asked about his policy that forced nursing homes to admit ­patients infected with the coronavirus.

“That’s a good question, I don’t know,” the governor answered, turning to an aide.

On Tuesday, Cuomo was asked about a report from the Associated Press that his team had added more than 1,700 deaths to the count of those who died in nursing homes, bringing the total to at least 4,813.

“I don’t know the details, frankly,” the governor answered, turning to an aide.

Sgt. Schultz reporting for duty!

Cuomo is legendary for micromanaging and has been praised for his detailed daily briefings during the pandemic. He has closed schools, religious services and businesses because each human life is “priceless.”

So with known nursing home deaths representing 25 percent of all deaths in the state, it beggars belief that the governor didn’t know anything about his office’s fatal policy two weeks ago or the new death totals now.

The only way either could be true is through an extreme case of plausible deniability. Thus, if there’s no proof he knew, he can’t be held responsible, right? Which was the whole point of the Sgt. Schultz defense.

That was a sitcom. This is life and death.


According to NBC News, New York’s policies for nursing homes required the homes to take in individuals that had the coronavirus:


The coronavirus patients began arriving the last week of March, transferred to the Gurwin Jewish Nursing and Rehabilitation Center under a New York state mandate requiring nursing homes to accept those recovering from COVID-19, even if they still might be contagious.


The governor’s nursing home policy in New York ended up in thousands of deaths.

Nearly 3,000 names appear on the 9/11 Memorial. This is the list of individuals who were innocently murdered on 9/11 when terrorists took down New York’s World Trade Center’s Twin Towers.

Governor Cuomo created a list of more innocents murdered due to a policy requiring New York nursing homes to accept those with the China coronavirus than those murdered on 9/11. What kind of individual could even think up such a policy?

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.9278010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8040 >>8054

Windows 10 is spying on almost everything you do – here’s how to opt out. Gates also forced us to accept Edge Browser spyware that can’t be removed. This is illegal. Let’s call for prosecution.


Did you read your 1,200 word TOS? “Finally, we will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to: 1.comply with applicable law or respond to valid legal process, including from law enforcement or other government agencies; 2.protect our customers, for example to prevent spam or attempts to defraud users of the services, or to help prevent the loss of life or serious injury of anyone; 3.operate and maintain the security of our services, including to prevent or stop an attack on our computer systems or networks; or 4.protect the rights or property of Microsoft, including enforcing the terms governing the use of the services – however, if we receive information indicating that someone is using our services to traffic in stolen intellectual or physical property of Microsoft, we will not inspect a customer’s private content ourselves, but we may refer the matter to law enforcement.”


via bgr:


Windows 10 is amazing. Windows 10 is fantastic. Windows 10 is glorious. Windows 10 is faster, smoother and more user-friendly than any Windows operating system that has come before it. Windows 10 is everything Windows 8 should have been, addressing nearly all of the major problems users had with Microsoft’s previous-generation platform in one fell swoop.


But there’s something you should know: As you read this article from your newly upgraded PC, Windows 10 is also spying on nearly everything you do.


It’s your own fault if you don’t know that Windows 10 is spying on you. That’s what people always say when users fail to read through a company’s terms of service document, right?


Well, here is Microsoft’s 12,000-word service agreement. Some of it is probably in English. We’re pretty sure it says you can’t steal Windows or use Windows to send spam, and also that Microsoft retains the right to take possession of your first-born child if it so chooses. And that’s only one of several documents you’ll have to read through.


Actually, here’s one excerpt from Microsoft’s privacy statement that everyone can understand:


Finally, we will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to: 1.comply with applicable law or respond to valid legal process, including from law enforcement or other government agencies; 2.protect our customers, for example to prevent spam or attempts to defraud users of the services, or to help prevent the loss of life or serious injury of anyone; 3.operate and maintain the security of our services, including to prevent or stop an attack on our computer systems or networks; or 4.protect the rights or property of Microsoft, including enforcing the terms governing the use of the services – however, if we receive information indicating that someone is using our services to traffic in stolen intellectual or physical property of Microsoft, we will not inspect a customer’s private content ourselves, but we may refer the matter to law enforcement.


If that sentence sent shivers down your spine, don’t worry. As invasive as it is, Microsoft does allow Windows 10 users to opt out of all of the features that might be considered invasions of privacy. Of course, users are opted in by default, which is more than a little disconcerting, but let’s focus on the solution.


Rock Paper Shotgun has broken things down into four main bullet points that will guide you through regaining control of your personal data.

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.9278032   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Feckless Clown Dr. Fauci NOW SAYS Staying Closed Too Long Could Cause “Irreparable Damage” — AFTER USING JUNK MODEL TO DESTROY ECONOMY!




As we know from previous reporting:


** Dr. Tony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx used the Imperial College Model to persuade President Trump to lock down the ENTIRE US ECONOMY.

** The fraudulent model predicted 2.2 million American deaths from the coronavirus pandemic

** The authors of the Imperial College Model shared their findings with the White House Coronavirus task force in early March

** Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx then met with President Trump privately and urged him to shut down the US and destroy the record Trump economy based on this model

** New analysis of the Imperial College Model finds the study is “completely unusable for scientific purposes” — The Imperial College study was a complete sham

** Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx pushed a garbage model on the White House and the American public and destroyed the US economy


As reported weeks ago — in mid April Dr. Fauci admitted that it was he and Dr. Birx who persuaded President Trump to lock down the US economy knowing the massive destruction this would cause in jobs, lives and commerce.


President admitted that during a press conference in April that “two very smart people” came into his office and urged him to lock down the economy or 2.2 million Americans would die from the China virus.


This guy has been wrong nearly every step of the way.


After Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci sat with the president the US went into lockdown and since that time over 39 MILLION Americans have lost their jobs and thousands of companies have gone bankrupt.


In late March, Neil Ferguson, who was behind the Imperial College coronavirus study, backtracked and said 20,000 Brits may die from the coronavirus instead of his original estimates of 500,000.


Neil Ferguson resigned from his government post as researcher a week ago after he was caught breaking his own lockdown rules by meeting with his married mistress at his home.

Now we have evidence that Neil Ferguson’s model was complete trash.

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.9278047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8078

Chinese state news agency unveils 'the world's first 3D AI anchor' after 'cloning' a human reporter


China's state news agency has revealed its first 3D AI-powered news anchor after replicating the looks and the actions of a human journalist with cutting-edge technologies.

The virtual female presenter, branded as the world's first of its kind, can move around smoothly and display complex facial expressions.


She can even change her outfits and hairstyles according to different scenarios, a spokesperson said.


Xinhua launched its first AI anchor in 2018 and had introduced four 2D digital newsreaders before bringing in the latest creation.

Footage released by the outlet on Thursday shows the lifelike virtual presenter nodding her head in emphasis and blinking as she speaks during her debut at an animated broadcast studio.


She can be heard saying: 'I can be presenting while sitting, standing, or walking around.

'I have flexible facial expressions, movements, and I can also change hairstyles and clothes.

'In the future, I will appear on more news scenarios. My expressions and movements will be improved and updated,' the virtual female reporter added.


The uncanny avatar, named Xin Xiaowei, was developed by Xinhua along with Sogou, a Chinese technology company specialising in web search.


She was modelled after Zhao Wanwei, a reporter covering current affairs for the news agency.

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.9278062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8136 >>8442 >>8466

Batch of South Carolina Absentee Ballots Found in Maryland Spark Concerns of Voter Fraud


A batch of South Carolina ‘ready to mail’ ballots were found in Baltimore, Maryland this week, sparking concerns of voter fraud.


Post and Courier reported:


South Carolina election officials could have counties cut ties to a Minnesota printer after about 20 Charleston County absentee ballots were found in Maryland this week.

The ready-to-mail ballots have since made their way to Charleston-area voters, state and county election officials said, but it is just the latest problem with SeaChange Print Innovations, which prints and mails absentee ballots for 13 S.C. counties.

Some Greenville County voters received the wrong absentee ballots this year when the Democratic presidential primary and a special election for sheriff were held 10 days apart, S.C. Election Commission spokesman Chris Whitmire said.


“We’re not getting a warm and fuzzy feeling that they can handle this,” South Carolina Election Commission spokesman Whitmire said. “We are actively seeking sustainable solutions.”

This is precisely why the Democrats are pushing for mail-in ballots for the November General Election.


Pelosi is now trying to shove a $3.6 billion ‘vote-by-mail’ proposal into the latest Coronavirus stimulus bill.


Pelosi said that voting by mail, with no chain of custody, is “more democratic” than voting in person with photo ID.

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 11:14 a.m. No.9278092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8109 >>8191

Apple iOS 13.5 Upgrade Includes Contact Tracing API


To upgrade or not to upgrade, that is the question. Fears of the worst sort are already cropping up as Apple has not made completely clear what software developers will be able to access and use the new core features that allow for Contact Tracing.


One tech journal notes,


Usage of the contact tracing API is user-optional. Additionally, exposure reports require the user to, once again, opt in to the notification, and it can only be done after the positive result is confirmed by one of the government agencies.


The first problem is that many iPhone users don’t have a clue what ‘user-optional’ means and if they do, they forget to disable the feature.


The second problem is that other app creators may gain access to the Application Programming Interface (API) and use it for other purposes. There are some who will say that can’t ever happen, but I would remind them about Apple’s poor track record of closing up holes that have been secretly exploited by groups of developers who knew better, but didn’t care about breaking the rules.


The third problem is that while Apple says all data is anonymized, it is the ‘mother ship’ who knows everything about you. It knows what apps you have installed and your continuous location as you move around. Turning your health data over to Apple puts it out of your control. Do you trust Apple to never tell another soul? Do you trust it to never come with other uses for the API, once it is spread around the entire planet? If governments are allowed to access the API, will they use it only for benevolent purposes?


The fourth problem is that Google is doing exactly the same thing with their Android platform. Do you trust Google more or less than Apple?


If iPhone users do not upgrade to iOS 13.5, then they will not receive any further upgrades beyond that, period. This means that you are frozen in time, unable to receive the latest security and other feature updates.


If you choose to upgrade your smart phone to iOS 13.5, at least sift it with a fine-tooth comb to make sure you have turned all such features OFF, and then do frequent audits to be sure that they remain OFF.

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.9278133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8442 >>8466

Supreme Court Blocks Dems Attempt to Dig Up Dirt on Trump


On Wednesday, the Supreme Court went against House Democrats and delayed their attempts to search through testimony from the grand jury stemming from Robert Mueller’s bogus Russia investigation.


On Monday, House Democrats lead by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler requested from the court to release sealed evidence from the Mueller report.


Check out what the Daily Wire reported:


The Trump administration had requested that the court issue a stay against a lower court ruling directing the Department of Justice to release secret grand jury testimonies.


The Supreme Court sided against House Democrats on Wednesday, issuing a temporary stay until June 1 to give the Trump administration time to appeal the lower court’s decision. If the Trump administration appeals and the Supreme Court extends the stay until arguments can be heard, Democrats’ chances of securing the testimony by court order before the election are close to nil, according to The Washington Free Beacon.


Despite having no criminal evidence against the President, Democrats are continuing their impeachment investigations against President Trump. All their efforts have completely failed thus far.


“The Committee and the public continue to suffer grave and irreparable injury each additional day the district court’s order is prevented from going into effect: the Committee is being deprived of the information it needs to exercise its weighty constitutional responsibility,” the filing from the House Judiciary Committee said on Monday.


“The Committee’s impeachment investigation related to obstruction of justice pertaining to the Russia investigation is ongoing. As the Committee has explained, it ‘has continued and will continue those investigations consistent with its own prior statements respecting their importance and purposes,’” it added.


The Daily Wire continues:


Grand jury materials typically remain sealed during and after an investigation. The House is arguing that the testimonies should be released under an exemption that allows for the materials’ use in a court proceeding. The question is whether an impeachment trial qualifies as a court proceeding under the rules.


The House impeached Trump in December on charges of obstruction of Congress and abuse of power related to a phone call he had with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky on July 25, 2019. Trump asked Zelensky to look into allegations of misconduct against former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.


Biden was in charge of the Obama administration’s foreign policy with Ukraine when he pushed the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, in March 2016. At the time, Shokin was reportedly looking into the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, for which Biden’s son was then a highly paid board member.


Audio released earlier this week has raised more questions about Biden’s motives for pushing for Shokin’s ouster. In an unconfirmed recording released on Tuesday, Biden and former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko purportedly discuss Shokin’s ouster, and Poroshenko admits that the Ukrainian government does not have “any information about him doing something wrong.” Shokin resigned from his position at Poroshenko’s request, however.

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 11:20 a.m. No.9278157   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel an Enemy of America


Do the American people gain more than we lose from supporting (and from having billions of our tax-dollars each year donated to) the apartheid and racistly Jewish Israel against the Palestinians — the descendants of the Arabs who prior to Israel’s creation were the vast majority of that land’s population?


The argument that Israel is pro-American is so blatantly false as to be ludicrous, but the argument that America is pro-Israeli is so true as to be itself ludicrous, because Israel is and has always constituted a national security threat against, and actually an outright enemy of, the American people. All of this will be documented here, especially because there is so much published that contradicts it, all based on lies, as will here be shown.


On May 16th, the neoconservative U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, threatened the International Criminal Court, on behalf of the Government of Israel, and against any other government than Israel to represent the interests of the Palestinians, which people Israel’s Government has always actually considered to be enemies, instead of citizens to whom the Government of Israel has any obligation. Pompeo — on behalf of Israelis, and certainly not in the interests of the American people — headlined, falsely, at the U.S. State Department, “The International Criminal Court’s Illegitimate Prosecutions”, and he said (also falsely) “The International Criminal Court is a political body, not a judicial institution.” He then went on to assert:


On April 30, the ICC Prosecutor re-affirmed her attempt to exercise jurisdiction over the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza through a new filing to the Court. As we made clear when the Palestinians purported to join the Rome Statute [not actually ‘purported to’ but did, in fact, agree to the terms of that statute, in order to — and they did — sign and join so as to become subject to the ICC’s international jurisdiction, which happened on 1 April 2015, though Pompeo says there that it never happened], we do not believe the Palestinians qualify as a sovereign state.


He closed this false allegation by this threat: “If the ICC continues down its current course, we will exact consequences.” Though Palestine signed and became a member-state, and the U.S. refused to do so, he threatens the ICC with unspecific “exact consequences,” if the ICC so much as even considers Palestine’s case. This is injury being heaped upon insult to the ICC and to international criminal law, which that Court holds the world’s supreme international authority to investigate and to prosecute.

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 11:23 a.m. No.9278184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8243

How an indicted Netanyahu put his attorney general on trial


As his corruption trial begins, the PM’s supporters go on the offensive and Avichai Mandelblit finds himself embroiled once more in a decade-old scandal


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made history many times in his political career. When he won his first term as premier in 1996 he became Israel’s youngest-ever prime minister and the first born after the founding of the state. On July 20, 2019, he became the longest-serving.


On Sunday, when he stands in the dock in a Jerusalem courthouse as a defendant in a corruption trial, that, too, will mark a historic first for a sitting Israeli prime minister.


Everyone involved, and every side in the political tumult that perpetually surrounds Netanyahu, understands the enormity of the moment. Netanyahu’s refusal to step aside, as he once demanded of former prime minister Ehud Olmert when faced with corruption allegations, has transformed the court proceedings into a kind of proxy election, with Israelis’ opinions about Netanyahu’s culpability overlapping with their political views.


Netanyahu has fed that divide by railing against an “attempted coup” by police investigators and prosecutors, and turning his claim of a miscarriage of justice into a rallying cry for supporters.


That Netanyahu’s campaign against his accusers is a political act is a given. The trial set to begin Sunday is a double challenge for the prime minister: a personal legal challenge of proving his innocence and avoiding jail time, and a political challenge to prevent the trial from toppling him from the premiership and becoming the central truth of his legacy.


Most defendants claim they are innocent, but few can wield a major-party political campaign across three election cycles devoted to making the case. Netanyahu has done so successfully, with roughly half of Israeli voters demonstrating repeatedly either that they believe he is an innocent man or that they think his strengths as a leader outweigh whatever misdeeds he stands accused of.



Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 11:24 a.m. No.9278193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8207 >>8286 >>8289 >>8442 >>8466

Trump demands governors allow churches to open


President Trump on Friday ordered governors to allow houses of worship to open immediately, declaring them “essential” to American life during COVID-19.


“The governors need to do the right thing and allow these very important essential places of faith to open right now, this weekend,” Trump said, during brief remarks at the White House that his press shop had touted as a briefing.


Trump took no questions, however, and left immediately after his brief statement.


“If they don't do it I will override the governors. America we need more prayer, not less.”

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.9278235   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Director of National Intelligence to Fully Declassify Some Flynn Transcripts


Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell is in the process of fully declassifying some of the call transcripts involving former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.


“The [intelligence community] doesn’t have all the transcripts/summaries….it wasn’t our product,” Grenell wrote on Twitter. “But I already started the declassification for the few we received. They should be released in full, though. The public deserves to see it.”

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.9278254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8300 >>8319 >>8338

Tech for Contact Tracing Will Be Included in Latest iPhone Update—Whether You Like It or Not


If you thought you were going to be able to avoid putting technology for contact tracing on your iPhone, Apple has made that decision for you and the answer is, you will. The next update for iOS is 13.5 and it comes already loaded with contact-tracing technology.

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 11:33 a.m. No.9278327   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Libyan Army Shares Video Documenting Arms Shipments From Turkey To GNA


The Libyan National Army (LNA) has shared a video documenting an arms shipment from Turkey to forces loyal to the Government of National Accord (GNA).


Maj. Gen. Ahmed al-Mesmari, a spokesman for the army, presented the video during a press conference held on May 21. The video was recovered from a Turkish-made BMC Kirpi mine-resistant ambush protected (MRAP) captured from GNA forces in a recent battle.


The video documents the journey of a large batch of BMC Kirpi vehicles from Turkey to GNA forces, according to the following timeline:


From February 14 to April 28 of 2019, the vehicles were still in BMC’s automotive factory in the western Turkish province of İzmir.

On May 15, the vehicles set sail to Libya aboard Moldavian cargo ship “AMAZON.” The shipment arrived in Tripoli’s port on May 18.

From January 11 to March 17 of 2020, the vehicles were stored in Tripoli’s port, where Turkish officers trained GNA fighters on how to use them.

On March 21, at least one of the vehicles [the one which the video was recovered from] was deployed in the Mitiga International Airport, where a GNA-Turkish operations room is located.


The vehicle was later dispatched to Turkish-backed Syrian militants who used it in attacks on the town of Ayn Zara, where it was likely captured by the LNA.

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.9278348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8405 >>8442 >>8466

Chinese President Xi’s Wife, Peng Liyuan, Is A WHO ‘Goodwill Ambassador’


Chinese President Xi Jinping’s wife, Peng Liyuan, is one of the World Health Organization’s three goodwill ambassadors.


This cozy relationship between China and the W.H.O. is the main reason President Donald Trump is threatening to pull funding from the organization. On Monday, Trump warned Dr. Tedros that he would freeze U.S. funding of the W.H.O., an agency of the U.N., if it did not ‘demonstrate independence from China.’


That certainly does not appear to be the case.


Scholar Gordon Chang has warned that China’s policy “is incompatible with our system. We are unfortunately going to have to reverse course and disengage from China to protect ourselves – to reduce our vulnerability to an extremely dangerous actor.”


Peng Liyuan is also a Goodwill Ambassador for tuberculosis and AIDS since 2011, American Military News reported Wednesday. She was appointed by former WHO Director-General Dr. Margaret Chan. Incumbent WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus renewed her two-year term in 2019.


Aside from Peng, the other ambassadors are Yohei Sasakawa of Japan, and Chinese broadcaster James Chau.


According to his biography, Chau is a “Guest Presenter on BBC World News” and a “Special Contributor to Chinese Central Television (CCTV) where he interviews global leaders and reports breaking news to 85 million viewers.” CCTV is China’s predominant state media outlet.


In her biography on the WHO’s website, Peng is described as a “famous Chinese soprano and actress,” a health activist and the “head of the Chinese Song and Dance Ensemble in the General Political Department of the People’s Liberation Army.”


Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan have been the first couple of China since November 2012.

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 11:38 a.m. No.9278374   🗄️.is 🔗kun

COVID-19 Has Replaced Osama bin Laden as the Fall Guy for Lost Liberties


The government and media have dumped at the doorstep of the coronavirus many of the political, economic and social afflictions that are now ravaging much of the global population. In reality, they need to point the finger at themselves.


As the mainstream media saturates the airwaves with a daily overdose of coronavirus fear porn, the majority of journalists have given their governments a free pass to enact any draconian measure they see fit. From the closure of public beaches to forbidding power boats on waterways, the insanity seems to have no limits or logic. And as the media would have us believe, it was the coronavirus that enacted these measures, as opposed to living, breathing, unthinking humans.


What dirty deeds does the new and improved villain of our times stand accused of? First and foremost, the coronavirus singlehandedly destroyed the global economy as only ‘essential’ businesses may continue to operate. Thus, thousands of small businesses have been ordered shuttered, de facto destroyed, while countless numbers of people around the world have been ordered to ‘shelter-in-place’ with dwindling financial reserves.


Again, this wanton destruction of a large swath of the economy is not due to bad government decision-making, at least according to the media, but Covid-19.


‘Jobless claims jump another 4.4 million — 26 million Americans have lost their jobs to the coronavirus,’ reported MarketWatch. ‘It could take two years for the economy to recover from the coronavirus pandemic,’ screamed another headline.


Perhaps it was also the coronavirus that decided that it would make perfect sense to keep abortion clinics and state-owned liquor stores open during the pandemic, while shutting down houses of worship and gun shops. Clearly, the coronavirus is an equitable and non-partisan distributor of pain and suffering!


As was the case when battling the evil forces of terrorism (which has been strangely quiet lately, by the way), simply uttering ‘coronavirus’ has the same numbing effect as reciting the name ‘Osama bin Laden.’ It justifies every means to an end – up to and including the destruction of civil liberties – without the need for any public debate on the matter. This is reminiscent of the hysteria, complete with mysterious anthrax attacks, which accompanied passage of the PATRIOT Act, the freedom-killing legislation that was rammed through Congress in the weeks following the terrorist attacks of 9/11 without a formal reading by lawmakers. And just like post-9/11, when people question the draconian coronavirus measures they are vilified and accused of being ‘conspiracy theorists’ and even ‘terrorists.’


The result of millions of people struggling to survive without employment and amid ‘shelter-in-place’ orders is a huge spike in the number of deaths from alcohol, drugs and suicide.


“We see very troubling signs across the nation,” Dr. Elinore McCance-Katz, assistant secretary at Department of Health and Human Services and head of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, told USAToday. “There’s more substance abuse, more overdoses, more domestic violence and neglect and abuse of children.


In other words, the death and destruction from the draconian measures enacted to defeat the coronavirus, which never came remotely close to being as deadly as the experts predicted it would be, will prove deadlier than the disease itself.

Anonymous ID: 39b96f May 22, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.9278401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8449

CBP at US-Mexico Border Seize Phony COVID-19 Test Kits, Face Masks, Hand Sanitizer


EL PASO, Texas – Since the beginning of the pandemic, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers have seen an increase in unapproved, counterfeit, or non-FDA compliant COVID-19 tests, hand sanitizer, facemasks, and mask filters crossing the border.


“Some appear to be exploiting the pandemic for financial gain, leaving the consumer at risk. These products may result in serious consequences to the consumer, whether that end user is in the United States or another country,” said CBP El Paso Director of Field Operations Hector Mancha, “CBP officers are committed to ensuring that all items being imported and exported meet critical health and safety standards.”


On May 16, CBP officers from the Santa Teresa port of entry encountered a 36-year-old Mexican male traveling into Mexico with a suitcase. A CBP officer interviewed the subject and found inconsistencies in his story; he was referred for an intensive examination. During an examination of the subject’s suitcase, CBP officers discovered 1,000 counterfeit COVID-19 Rapid Tests. The test kits were seized pending further investigation.


Additionally, on May 17, CBP officers from the Ysleta port of entry encountered a 62-year-old U.S. citizen female with 1,000 facemasks, 2,740 mask filters, and 60 1-liter bottles of hand sanitizer. All of the products were found to lack proper registration, labeling, and did not comply with criteria set by the Food and Drug Administration; all of the products were seized.