Anonymous ID: 6126f2 May 22, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.9278138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8172

>>9277479 (lb) Yes, what is in the brackets? Something of the world, something major. Or is it plural? Religion, economy, the future, Or is it something unworldly, satan (The Accuser) e.g.


Q cites 4 specific divisions of mankind. Clearly, there are more, but as to the four...understand why it has been said, yet also see contradictions. Class divisions-agree that they are artificial and unnecessary, if we enter a future with a level playing field and one law for all. Religion-the truth is that there intractable differences. As a Christian man, it is 100% unacceptable to see Muslims invading the west, and IMO to defeat this invasion is one of the chief callings of this generation. Let them live in their own areas if they want to follow the words of a violent, extremist pedo, while seeking to overthrow our entire history, and erase our accomplishments.


The false gender divisions were FORCED upon us, by people who hate all of history, as well as natural law. WE did nothing to ask for this all out assault on common sense & reality. We are simply defending ourselves from extinction. People like me are NEVER going to say, "OK, kumbaya, a purple haired tranny with attitude is no different from a male/female couple who marry, procreate, and do their best to replenish mankind. But here is the point, and hopefully Q is driving at this...I do not HATE them. I want them to open their eyes and be all that they can be. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and no one can do it for them. But if they openly attempt to destroy me and all I hold dear, so they can live twisted lives, I will oppose them with all my strength. Let revival come. Let a bedrock morality move over the land. Let people stop doing what those people have done, and let those sad creatures dwindle away from among us.


Race. In the best of all worlds, it would not matter. It truly would be one mind going forward. Yet my honest experience has been that if you give, give, give, you get hatred in return. Like the guy beating the old people. Savage hatred that NOTHING is going to stop. A guy like that, and many more, must be removed from among us. Let people treat others with respect if they want it in return.


So am saying to Q, that in principle the unity is nice, and we must begin somewhere, but that a huge amount of things must be worked through before we arrive at that place. And Q+ of course knows this as well or better than anyone. This is why the Ds are singled out as the enemy, even as they are called "not enemy." Why commies are called the enemy-"America will never be a socialist nation." Why the Muslim Brotherhood is being called out-there is no other way. Why "friend" China is correctly being hevily criticized & maneuvered against. Anyhow....