Anonymous ID: c027cf May 22, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.9277900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8136 >>8442 >>8466

3 moar Blackhawks out of Wright-Patterson AFB ne R20835 R20847 R20879


VENUS31 USAF C-40 Clipper out of JBA to Manchester-Boston Airport fly overs and se to Springfield, MA and fly overs at Westover Metro. Airport

Anonymous ID: c027cf May 22, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.9278136   🗄️.is 🔗kun



notables, not endorsements

>>9277811 Feminist magazine columnist brushes off Biden's sex assault allegations and says he would get her vote even if he 'boiled babies and ate them' because she is so desperate to get Trump out of the White

>>9277819 Former US Attorney Joe diGenova: Obama May Not Be Indicted Individually But He and Biden May Be Included “In An Indictment As People Who Were Either Used or Participated” in a Criminal Conspiracy

>>9277824, >>9277926 POTUS live-briefing y/t

>>9277900 pf reports

>>9277906 Armed Israeli Settlers Set Palestinian Farmlands on Fire near

>>9277982 More New Yorkers Died from Governor Cuomo’s Coronavirus Nursing Home Policy than Died on 9/11-memo dated March 25, 2020, ordered state officials to move coronavirus patients to nursing

>>9277999 Biden-Mass Immigration Into America Won't Stop y/t clip

>>9278018 Gretchen Whitmer Allows Gay Swinger's Club to Operate While Barber Loses License-RePost from pb w/commentary for exposure

>>9278025 U.S. FDA Names 27 Coronavirus Antibody Tests No Longer Ok to Be Sold-usanews from may21 and a question to Dr. B

>>9278062 Batch of South Carolina Absentee Ballots Found in Maryland Spark Concerns of Voter

>>9278076 Meme archives updated.




board slowing down so be patient with updates from both of us.

Anonymous ID: c027cf May 22, 2020, 11:32 a.m. No.9278309   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>temper things

I would think so.

told a few that I would not get into the gruesome details about the drops from 2018. Left it there…up to them really.

Anonymous ID: c027cf May 22, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.9278442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8456



notables, not endorsements

>>9277811 Feminist magazine columnist brushes off Biden's sex assault allegations and says he would get her vote even if he 'boiled babies and ate them' because she is so desperate to get Trump out of the White

>>9277819, >>9278247 Former US Attorney Joe diGenova: Obama May Not Be Indicted Individually But He and Biden May Be Included “In An Indictment As People Who Were Either Used or Participated” in a Criminal Conspiracy

>>9277824, >>9277926 POTUS live-briefing y/t

>>9277900 pf reports

>>9277906 Armed Israeli Settlers Set Palestinian Farmlands on Fire near

>>9277982, >>9278335, >>9278358 More New Yorkers Died from Governor Cuomo’s Coronavirus Nursing Home Policy than Died on 9/11-memo dated March 25, 2020, ordered state officials to move coronavirus patients to nursing homes several sources and backup

>>9277999 Biden-Mass Immigration Into America Won't Stop y/t clip

>>9278018 Gretchen Whitmer Allows Gay Swinger's Club to Operate While Barber Loses License-RePost from pb w/commentary for exposure

>>9278025 U.S. FDA Names 27 Coronavirus Antibody Tests No Longer Ok to Be Sold-usanews from may21 and a question to Dr. B

>>9278062 Batch of South Carolina Absentee Ballots Found in Maryland Spark Concerns of Voter

>>9278076 Meme archives updated.

>>9278133 Supreme Court Blocks Dems Attempt to Dig Up Dirt on

>>9278169, >>9278232 moar diggs on the "HCQ leads to increased risk of death" study

>>9278193, >>9278202 POTUS demands governors allow churches to

>>9278198 Philadelphia Election Judge Was Just Convicted For “Stuffing Ballots” For

>>9278268, >>9278339 Suicides on the rise amid stay-at-home order, Bay Area medical professionals 21

>>9278315, >>9278370 MSNBC twat…bwahahahahaha and a reminder from 2016-huffpo

>>9278348 Chinese President Xi’s Wife, Peng Liyuan, Is A WHO ‘Goodwill Ambassador’

>>9278403 Renzi connection with Bill Gates re: the entire plot stared in Italy pb notable



remember board slow so patience



based KM