Anonymous ID: c556a0 May 22, 2020, 11:41 a.m. No.9278413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8426



On Tuesday’s “CNN Newsroom,” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) stated that there is a “fear pandemic” over the coronavirus and the disease has become politicized.


Cuomo said, “I think, if anything, Brooke, we have a coronavirus epidemic. We have a fear pandemic. The fear factor is way ahead of the facts of dealing with this disease, and the fear factor is — has to be managed as much as the reality of the situation. And the fear factor, I think, is based on the fact that people are so distrustful of government now, and it’s so hyper-politicized, and the Democrats are blaming the Republicans for understating it, and the Republicans are saying the Democrats are overstating it. So, people don’t even know what to believe anymore. Because if they believe the facts that 80% are going to self-resolve, of the other 20%, some will go into the hospital, and the mortality rate is about 1.2%, which is double the normal flu rate, and that’s unfortunate, but it is manageable, and it can be reduced even from that. Because we have a better healthcare system. The facts are not frightening, if you believe the facts, and I think that’s the real pandemic here. People just don’t believe the facts that government is telling them.”


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