Anonymous ID: d4d6e4 May 22, 2020, 11:39 a.m. No.9278382   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"God is sending a message to the CCP"


Yes, God speaks with impenetrable black skies and lightning when great evil is released


And then He follows up with world-history changing events, like imprisoning the pope for 60 years in order to prove that no, he is not infallible.


>>9275810 (pb)

>>9275878 (pb)

>>9275929 (pb)

>>9275990 (pb)


On July 18, 1870, the pope ascended a throne to read his new declaration of infallibility. The sky became so black that he had to use a candle to read his declaration. Here's a contemporary account of what happened:


Quirinus, Letter LXIX p. 809. A Protestant eye-witness, Prof. Ripley, thus described the scene in a letter from Rome, published in the New York Tribune (of which he is one of the editors) for Aug. 11 1870: 'Rome, July 19 Before leaving Rome I send you a report of the last scene of that absurd comedy called the OEcumenical Vatican Council. . . . It is at least a remarkable coincidence that the opening and closing sessions of the Council were inaugurated with fearful storms, and that the vigil of the promulgation of the dogma was celebrated with thunder and lightning throughout the whole of the night. On the 8th of last December I was nearly drowned by the floods of rain which came down in buckets; yesterday morning I went down in rain, and under a frowning sky which menaced terrible storms later in the day . . . . Kyrie eleison we heard as soon as the mass was said, and the whole multitude joined in singing the plaintive measure of the Litany of the Saints and then with equal fervor was sung Veni Creator which was followed by the voice of a secretary reading in a high key the dogma. At its conclusion the names of the Fathers were called over and Placet after Placet succeeded ad nauseam. But what a storm burst over the church at this moment! The lightning flashed and the thunder pealed as we have not heard it this season before. Every Placet seemed to be announced by a flash and terminated by a clap of thunder. Through the cupolas the lightning entered, licking, as it were, the very columns of the Baldachino over the tomb of St. Peter and lighting up large spaces on the pavement. Sure, God was there but whether approving or disproving what was going on no mortal man can say. Enough that it was a remarkable coincidence and so it struck the minds of all who were present. And thus the roll was called for one hour and a half with this solemn accompaniment and then the result of the voting was taken to the Pope. The moment had arrived when he was to declare himself invested with the attributes of God nay a God upon earth. Looking from a distance into the hall which was obscured by the tempest, nothing was visible but the golden mitre of the Pope and so thick was the darkness that a servitor was compelled to bring a lighted candle and hold it by his side to enable him to read the formula by which he deified himself. And then what is that indescribable noise? Is it the raging of the storm above? the pattering of hail-stones? It approaches nearer, and for a minute I most seriously say that I could not understand what that swelling sound was until I saw a cloud of white handkerchiefs waving in the air. The Fathers had begun with clapping -- they were the fuglemen to the crowd who took up the notes and signs of rejoicing until the church of God was converted into a theatre for the exhibition of human passions "Viva Pio Nono!" "Viva il Papa Infallible!" "Viva il trionfo dei Cattolici!" were shouted by this priestly assembly; and again another round they had; and yet another was attempted as soon as the Te Deum had been sung and the benediction had been given.'


In response to this act of pure hubris, Austria was furious. Their military swept into Italy, and by September 20, had surrounded the Vatican and caused the pope to relinquish all claims to earthly territory beyond the tiny boundaries of the Vatican. A more than 1,000-year reign ended then. For the next 59 years, the popes refused to leave the Vatican, afraid of what would happen if they did.


Note the skies turned black when Jesus was crucified, also. I believe we can expect a large-scale response from heaven to this hubris from CCP, especially since the protesters in Hong Kong are known to sing "Sing Hallelujah to the Lord" whenever the police threaten to use batons.