ID: 8c2e2b May 22, 2020, 1:49 p.m. No.9279753   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Who was the quarterback?

Have been unable to pursue this so far but see that it is not pursued yet. RE this q post:

>>9263583 ————————————–——– Who was the quarterback? (Cap: >>9263681 )


Anons, check out

Daniel Jones

He was Feinstein's chief aide on the Intel Cmte and Q has referenced him in ''two earlier Q drops (sorry, i'm almost on my way out the door so i can't provide the numbers but it was during Jan 2019 and again in Mar or April).

ALSO: Search in the Information Warfare thread, archived here:

This is a LOT of info on Daniel Jones in that archive and also in


The archieve was from the Information Warfare /qresearch/ thread was deleted by BO/BVs in April 2019, Jones may have been one of the reasons why.

Jones went on to run TDIP, which is an anti-Trump org started the week he took office, there's lot on that too, search for more, I tried to follow this up and get anons interested many times.


The Q drops reference a very long article on Jones as the main person behind the Senate torture report.

Sorry gotta run. hope this helps.

anons DIG!