Anonymous ID: fa898f May 22, 2020, 3:54 p.m. No.9281014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1202

Washington State Facial Recognition


The law takes effect July 1, 2021.


In Washington State's landmark facial recognition law, public sector practices come under scrutiny and regulation


The conclusion makes it sound ok….not. It is just a certain amount of time before they use it like CHina 2.0


VIII. Conclusion


Although the California legislature in 2019 placed a moratorium on use of facial recognition technology by law enforcement in the context of body cameras , in passing this landmark bill, Washington State establishes itself as a leader in placing regulatory controls and restrictions on use of this technology by government entities. Viewed in conjunction with the state’s biometrics statute, Washington can lay claim to the most forward-thinking regulatory regime in the nation.


This legislation is likely to serve as a model in other states in the 2021 session, and both legislators and private sector entities that employ such technology should be prepared to understand the significant operational implications of the law and the privacy values it embodies, which may appear in other privacy laws over the next few years.