Anonymous ID: 743417 May 22, 2020, 5:57 p.m. No.9282331   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is the virus thing about the election? Of course, but personally, I think it's about the rallies for POTUS.


Before all the virus bs, the media was trying to do mainly one thing, to create the illusion that the Dems had the backing of the people when they really didn't, as evidenced by the number of people at the rallies for POTUS compared to what the Dems could produce. It broke the illusion.


The media seems to have one real major goal, and that is to create the illusion of legitimacy and/or support for their narratives.


The virus bs stops POTUS from having rallies that shows how many Americans support him. If you were planning on corrupting the elections process via mail or any other means, wouldn't people be more likely to question a Dem win if they are exposed to huge rallies showing the amount of support for POTUS? If people with their own eyes see the numbers at the rallies, and are then told a Dem won, wouldn't people be suspiscious? On the other hand, if for some reason the optics of the rallies for POTUS were somehow stopped, wouldn't it be easier for them to say they won because people won't have any idea of the support for POTUS?


It seems almost guaranteed to me that these guys are planning to steal the election with the help of the complicit media who will do their best to make it seem that the Dems have the support of many Americans when in fact they don't.