Anonymous ID: f1d5a5 May 22, 2020, 5:07 p.m. No.9281760   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9281593 lb

some things are and were witnesses by so many people that they are just beyond doubt. e.g. we count time related to the birth of Jesus, 2000 years back.


not oeverything can be known in the first place beyond doubt, some things you just need to trust in to later be able to know.

Billy Graham used to ask people in the audience if they all checked their chairs really carfull before taking a seat, or if they rather just had faith that noone would build a chair that isn´t supposed to be sit in.


in case you want to spend some time researching, go check evolution theory, go check how the very first cells looked like and think if it makes sense that the very first cells (with dozens of functional units) have evolved over time out of these functional units, by mutation and selection, when not one of those several functional units could reproduce or even survice on it´s own. then take a break. and then think about how life came into existence it it did not just happen to start.

God bless!