Anonymous ID: 5e344f May 22, 2020, 8:07 p.m. No.9283578   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Newsomโ€™s new proposed budget cuts 2nd year of PID funding


Officials decry move as โ€˜heartless,โ€™ political stunt


Gov. Gavin Newsomโ€™s many proposed budget cuts include the cancellation of a second year of backfill funding for the Paradise Irrigation District, worth $7.3 million.

The California legislature must still vote on the budget before it becomes final.

The proposed change came as a โ€œshockโ€ to North State leaders, said Paradise Irrigation District manager Kevin Phillips, who warned the withholding of the funds could bring recovery to a โ€œscreeching halt.โ€


The district lost 90 percent of its customers following the Camp Fire and has been depending on the backfill funds while it repairs damage to its system and slowly increases customers again.

โ€œIf the funds are not available to us, weโ€™re going to have to look internally at cutting major expenses, which would probably be the slowdown of our support of the rebuild of Paradise,โ€ Phillips told the Enterprise-Record.


After the fire, PID originally asked the state for a one-time allocation of three years of backfill funding, which is what the town of Paradise and Butte County received. Instead of the $21.7 million it asked for, PID received one year of funding worth $7 million. A second year of funding, though earmarked in the final budget, has not yet been disbursed because, Phillips said, it was contingent on some long-term planning.


PID began a regional water sustainability study as required by the state and has held three meetings so far, Phillips said. Some of PIDโ€™s projects, like scoping out a possible Paradise-Chico intertie and some related legislation, were put on hold partly so that the study could be completed first.

Phillips said the district was meeting the stateโ€™s requirements. He said he was not warned ahead of time that the proposed budget changes would include cutting the second year of funding.

โ€œBy pulling the funding away, it feels like the state led us down a path only to kick us off the cliff,โ€ Phillips said in a press release.

Anonymous ID: 5e344f May 22, 2020, 8:13 p.m. No.9283635   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3756

Nevada's Unemployment Rate is Highest in U.S. History


DETR says Nevada's unemployment rate is higher than it was during the Great Depression.

The Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation says the state's unemployment rate is a record high for any state. April's unemployment rate was 28.2%.

"Nevada has the highest unemployment rate in the nation, ahead of number two Michigan, which had a rate of 22.7%," David Schmidt, Nevada Chief Economist said. "Nevada now has the highest unemployment rate of any state in any month dating back to 1976."


They tried to crash the stock market and failed.

This too will fail.