Anonymous ID: 692b63 May 22, 2020, 8:16 p.m. No.9283679   🗄️.is 🔗kun

[They're] on [their] way to implementing a police state right underneath POTUS.

[They're] moving faster than ever.

Almost like there was already a plan in place…

Certain cities and states are literally turning on POTUS (and all his supporters) and the country as a whole

>eg. Michigan, NYC

Trying to start a civil war, it would appear, as well.

>eg. Arbery, Boxerfaggot, Westgate FF


Something needs to fuckin happen.



[they] are firing on ALL cylinders right now

[they] are in full fucking raging attack mode right now

[they] are determined to take this, our beautiful country from us

[they] want it NOW. Look how fast these recommendations turned into restrictions.

Look at what they did to Bernie again.

Look at what Biden is doing to his campaign.

Look at all the screeching from the usual suspects.


Tick, tock. The clock doesn't stop.

Whatever happens, it's all a matter of timing now, and we're < 6 months from a major landmark.


We (The American People) are under attack right now, and the damage we sustain during this time will have to be recovered.


God Speed!!!!!!