Anonymous ID: d2ea97 May 22, 2020, 7:34 p.m. No.9283252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3339 >>3357 >>3466 >>3514 >>3551 >>3640 >>3784 >>3845 >>3880 >>3901

Not sure if any other smart anons have stated this yet (haven’t read much on boards beyond notables lately), but I suspect that we won’t see any major arrests until after the election.


Oh, don’t get me wrong. We will see some arrests. Brennan on downward in the Obamagate scandal I believe are just whistling past the graveyard at this point because they know their time is almost up. There may be some other arrests in other Departments or indictments issued against foreign players. But you won’t see any arrests of political targets, like Barack “Uh, uh, uh, uh” Obama or Joe “If she lingers, she gets my fingers!” Biden, just yet.


I believe this to be the case because President Trump is not going to stoop to Obama’s level of trying to “tamper” with an election by “going after” his political opponents. In thinking why, the answer is that Trump needs to show that he won the 2020 election by his own merits in inspiring the American people to get out and vote for him. Part of the Great Awakening Strategy is to expose the corruption that has been pervasive in our government. If Trump even so-much as gives an air that he was willing to play out the same corrupt tricks as before, he would lose all credibility with a great chunk of moderates and those who are waking up. He has to show that he’s different, that he’s above the DC corruption, and most importantly that he is willing to defend the Constitution, not shred it like Obama.


So any arrests between now and then will be apolitical and will take several forms:


  1. All the corrupt members of the FBI, DOJ, IC, and other agencies involved with Obamagate. He’ll get them out of the public spotlight where deals will probably be made for life in prison versus death penalty for some in return for flipping on Obama, Biden, and the rest pulling the strings. This will certainly give Barr the evidence he hasn’t seen “as of today” against Team B.O.


  1. Election fraud cases from the 2016 and 2018 elections, as we are seeing more of, such as the PA official earlier this week. He needs to ensure the vote is as untainted as possible as the Ds will be playing even dirtier come November. Granted, it’s entirely possible that such a ground swell of support could override any election tampering, like I believe what happened with now Rep. Mike Garcia in CA. But don’t count of the Ds to not try harder come November to steal as many elections as they can.


  1. Illegal aliens and those who are aiding them, as they are a huge source of voter fraud in America. This will also protect critical jobs for Americans as we exit this Wuhan Flu scamdemic. Companies will be forced to hire American citizens, returning the unemployment numbers to their historic lows and proving to the average American Joe who really cares about them.


Once Trump wins Nov.3, starting Nov. 4 he will start arresting his political opponents because by then he’ll have shown that he won the election by the will of the American people, not by putting his fingers on the scale like Obama did in 2016. Sure, the media and Ds (but I repeat myself) will howl when the first few politicians get nabbed. But in the eyes of the American people, they’ll see Trump won the vote fairly and will be on his side.


TL:DR, don’t expect any high profile political arrests until after Trump is reelected in November.


Just my two cents.