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Is this why POTUS refers to Covid19 as "this plague"?

Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science (Children's Health Defense) Hardcover – 5 Nov. 2019

by Kent Heckenlively (Author), Judy Mikovits (Author)

Top review

Before we can restore faith in science we have to know how it was lost. Who betrayed us and why.

Reviewed in the United States on 20 April 2020

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I have read Kent Heckenlively's previous book "Inoculated", as well as his book "Plague" which was cowritten with Dr Judy Mikovits. I was eagerly awaiting this new book "Plague of Corruption". It is incredibly important work that you cannot get anywhere else. The internet is wiped of material that is contrary to the status quo of government and industry. Censored. Industry seeded trolls are everywhere. You have to seek this information out in books to get the full picture and understand how we got exposed to retroviruses. How it happened. And what does it mean for us? Dr Judy Mikovits is in the unique position of having worked within the [corrupt] world of academic research - she discovered something potentially dangerous and embarrassing to the government/pharma - and had her personal life disrupted and her professional life destroyed.


We have a very ill population. Autoimmune diseases and cancer, heart disease and diabetes - and everyone pretends not to know what is causing this. And yet, we INTENTIONALLY perturb the immune system of every man, woman, and child in this country from cradle to grave. Over and over again. We inject material that is toxic. Knowingly toxic ingredients. And then when we connect those dots we are met with extreme denial. Denial without any evidence provided. It is hard to believe we have allowed it this long. Sure, we know mercury and aluminum are heavy metals that are not healthy for the body - but our scientists assure us that they are not dangerous. But more important than even the heavy metals are the contaminants that got in there from growing viruses in animals and picking up other things not intended and not purified out. How can you purify something you don't even know is there? This is how we got SV40 - a monkey kidney viruses that causes cancer and went out in the polio vaccine. This is how we got XMRV - a retrovirus implicated in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that came from passing virus through mouse brains and contaminated cell cultures. What else is hiding in those lab created cell cultures intended for injection into humans?


We are all suffering now from the mistakes made from our "scientists" in the past who rushed into production on pharmaceuticals for public consumption without the proper safety measures. They fail to present us with sufficient evidence that these materials are fully safe and effective. They demonize anyone who inquires about it, and bury the evidence of harm that they do find. This is the definition of corruption.


This book gives you a glimpse into the world of the institutions and characters who have been involved in making public policy. How financial and political interests are more important that the truth about what scientists like Dr Mikovits are finding. I am not as hopeful as Kent & Judy that the "faith in science" can be restored. Because the perpetrators will never come forward and admit what they did. They hold entrenched positions in government agencies and would rather burn the evidence than admit that they poisoned the human population and withheld from us out of hubris, corruption, and greed.


I am so grateful to Robert F Kennedy Jr for taking up the topic, writing the Forward, and not being intimidated by the opposition. And to Kent and Judy for their collaboration that makes this difficult topic so easy to understand. There is a lot of scientific language but the writing makes it very accessible to the reader. Science is just a matter of terms and processes that anyone can learn. Never let someone tell you that the "science" is too complex for the average person. We get it.


This book is very timely! As it is released we are fighting the first "pandemic" of our modern age. And we watch another retrovirus enter the human population to cause who knows what kind of havoc. We are watching how those very same characters and institutions who habitually hide information from us try to come across as believable and trustworthy. We desperately need the knowledge and insight of Dr Judy Mikovits to understand and go forward. I hope she is invited to be part of the Presidents's advisors. I can think of no better person to help us through this confusing and dangerous times. Get the book. Read it. Become part of the red pilled force that is growing every day.