Anonymous ID: 2ff36d May 22, 2020, 11:36 p.m. No.9285027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5092



today I got word, the big gun stores have been emptied out, like, it's hard to get a gun this past two weeks?


I sure hope Barr understands how pissed off the population is. Hair standing up on lots of people's backs. I'm sure the NSA is hearing it on a good number of cell phones.

Even the youngest men in the neighborhood, are sitting around talking about the strange feeling they have that something is coming.

Usually they would be on a gaming system playing games. When you get young men, quarantined and not even games can stop them from listening to the various alternative news on their phones, 24-7? When the tyrants have to keep finding ways to censor that news?


When fathers and sons are talking to each other about what could go down, contingency plans?


What we need to diffuse this is for the Feds (Executive) and the courts (Judicial), to do the right thing, and enforce the Constitution .

If they do not, eventually, it looks like a lot of people plan to.


More and more people see this has been caused by seditious Constitution hating Socialist STATE governors, and unelected (even foreign) so called health officials. More people are waking up to that 16 year plan to destroy America, and the United Nations Agenda to force the unelected Global government on them. They are learning about the seditious CEO's that had to step down to save their skins, the thousands of sealed indictments…. m'gosh.

The worst is the kids. Theft and abuse … even murder of children.

A lot of the population is getting kicked right in the parental instinct gut. Not good.


Many are awake, but, in the throws of that first psychological burst of tears and anger that all of us felt when we took the red pill.


It is not politics as usual, and people have an instinct for it. What is worse is that the people sitting home with nothing to do have lost jobs, and businesses. Nothing better to do than deal with the tyrants. Lots of off time to think about how to do that.


Those red pill tears come first. But you remember the rage that follows?


This "lot of people" is backed by the largest armed group of people in the world. Nothing to piss off. (Pic related)


An armed society is a polite society. (Until they have good reason not to be, like starving, and dying, or having family members die in massive numbers, or losing everything they ever worked for, because of stupid politicians)


I just want to remind the police officers we love and appreciate, that the governor, and losing your job is not the scariest thing.


If I was an officer given an order to go shut down a church meeting, I would go to the doughnut shop instead.


Those meetings are going to be some serious town hall meetings after church, in many places. (The real reason the Communists hate churches) When church people start taking their non-Church neighbors to church, so the community can figure out what to do about tyrants, I would not want to get involved.


Let them choose the courts and see where they can get with these judges. The strength comes from the numbers, so, now we see the reason for the "less than 10" group lock down thing. Wont happen now.

No more lock downs.


Too many people going to die already from undiagnosed cancer, surgeries put off, etc. Health effects slamming the non covid side of things. Idiot governors have the gall to put COVID positive people in nursing homes? Talk about an enemy of the United States, and not even trying to hide it.


The internet will be landing boots on the ground in many towns very soon. The churches will be running soup lines, and gathering people for meetings.

MY dearest peace officers.


Doughnut shops. Coffee.

Chill. Be smart. Americans will do the right thing, and fight this out in the courts if the police stand down and let them sort it out.


Most likely any shooter stupid enough to walk into any church at this point, will be delt with. Churches are probably putting security cameras up for fear of being burned down. Arsonists will be caught.


So, consider the doughnut, or, even go to the church and help solve this tyranny problem being foisted on us by foreign and international criminal war mongering child trafficking drug running tycoons.

This is a war on America. It is war on the people of the world. It has gotten obvious. Therefore it will be stopped. Question is how.


Lets be cool, leave the Churches alone, and use the Constitution to stuff these jerks into the history book of stupid politicians and tyrants.

And Make America Great Again, again.