Anonymous ID: 6258d0 May 22, 2020, 11:47 p.m. No.9285119   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good post anon.

There are already many shill bakers, it seems, but adding more restrictions won't help.

What I do think would help would be for legitiate anons, who have experience baking or who pay close attention to baker issues, to articulate in the going bread why the then current baker seems to be falling short or seems to be a shill.

I mean, strive to articulate these things so experienced anons who DON'T focus on baking can grasp your reasoning and contribute a response.

All too often I see "anons" chastising bakers as shills without explaining their reasoning. That is all fine when you are responding to a random post, but my sense is that most anons do no closely monitor baking issues since they don't plan to bake. And that is fine, since many are doing other things. But that makes it all the more crucial, I think, for critiques of a particular baker to be elucidated clearly without shortcuts or excessive insider jargon.