Anonymous ID: ce1b16 May 23, 2020, 12:04 a.m. No.9285224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5228

Looking for a dude called Chris who likes mathematics, wake up and get on the internet Chris, here are some pretty pictures to get his attention

Anonymous ID: ce1b16 May 23, 2020, 12:35 a.m. No.9285385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5403

(0,n) a=aa b=bb, a[t]=bn's d - a[t]=b(n-1)'s d = c's d, etc etc

It's 8:35am in the UK, surely Chris doesn't have anything better to do on a Saturday morning



Had I known I would have come over. Posting replies to each other makes us seem less like lone schizos shitposting into the wind.

Anonymous ID: ce1b16 May 23, 2020, 12:51 a.m. No.9285468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5475

(e,n), (e+2n,n), 2(BigN-n), (a-1)(b-1)/2



It also seems to make it slightly less likely that other people chime in and call us idiots or mention completely irrelevant mathematical concepts that don't help in the slightest. That always happens when I fish alone. I don't know if you've ever gotten that.

Anonymous ID: ce1b16 May 23, 2020, 1:10 a.m. No.9285556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5573

d[t]-d, a[t]=c(c-BigN+1), nn+2d(n-1)+f-1

Come on Chris, surely you can't have much else to do today given how hard Britain is getting fucked by the virus



Is there a specific person? I just remember last time I was here someone kept telling me that fractals would help even though they never connected them to the grid in any way whatsoever (they also said what we're doing is morally wrong without explanation).