Anonymous ID: 1cf7b1 Leftists-dark money-“Accountable Tech” May 28, 2020, 7:05 a.m. No.9344305   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There is no information on who will fund the new group, Accountable Tech, on its website. It is a 501(c)(4), which means it does not have to disclose its donors.


Leftists have long decried dark money in politics, but after the election of Trump, they have embraced “watchdog” groups as means to attack his administration.


The group’s two employees listed on the website are both steeped in Democrat politics — far from being neutral arbiters of truth on social media.


Accountable Tech’s cofounder and executive director, Nicole Gill, described herself in her bio as an “experienced campaigner” who led efforts around tax policy, marriage equality, and health care.


She tweeted that the new group will “push for social media platforms” to take “immediate, meaningful, and achievable actions to better serve the public”:


He described himself in his bio as having a “decade of experience in political communications and issue advocacy, including serving as the foreign policy spokesman for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.”


The other cofounder is a former Obama administration and Hillary Clinton aide, Jesse Lehrich.


“He was part of the team managing the response to Russia’s information warfare operation,” his bio said.


He tweeted Wednesday morning, “We need more [accountable tech]”:

Anonymous ID: 1cf7b1 Rod Rosenstein May 28, 2020, 7:35 a.m. No.9344527   🗄️.is 🔗kun


article excerpt from By Jim Hayek May 28, 2020 excerpt: Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will be the first witness to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee next week.

Rosenstein had met with FBI agents on April 28, 2017 and then again on May 23, 2017. The FBI 302s (summary written by an FBI agent following an interview) from those briefings had just been declassified and they revealed a bombshell. The FBI told Rosenstein that President Trump was NOT a suspect. It’s been clear for a long time that the FBI and Robert Mueller knew early on that President Trump had done nothing wrong.

After the FBI’s January 2017 interview with dossier author Christopher Steele’s primary sub-source, they had a pretty good idea it was all a lie. The FBI interviewed the sub-source two additional times, in March and in May 2017 and by then, they were sure of it.

We also learned from the testimony of former FBI lawyer, Lisa Page, that in May 2017, when the FBI turned their counterintelligence investigation over to Robert Mueller, they still had no evidence that Trump had colluded with the Russians to win the election. The FBI had been investigating Trump for ten months at that point. Until now, we’ve never seen any of those involved actually admit it.

In the following excerpts from an FBI 302 report (), it is made clear three times that the FBI did not believe President Trump was a suspect. (Source of information: The Dan Bongino Show, Episode 1191, February 27, 2020)

  1. FBI agents confirmed to [acting Attorney General Rod] Rosenstein on May 10, 2017 that the President was not a suspect.

  2. This was also Rosenstein’s impression from his initial April 28 briefing he received from then Director Comey.

  3. Rosenstein elaborated that based on his May 10 briefing, “there appeared to be no evidence the President was involved personally.”

FD-302 (excerpt): FBI Interview of Rod Rosenstein: May 23, 2017

Events of May 10, 2017: Rosenstein first contacted Robert Mueller on May 10 at 7:34 am, but “of course” he was thinking about the issue of appointing a special counsel before that time. At 11:30 am, Rosenstein attended a previously scheduled meeting with the prosecutors assigned to the FBI’s Russia investigation. This was the first regularly scheduled meeting on the matter. During this first meeting, and in light of all the controversy surrounding the investigation, Rosenstein declared, “In my acting capacity as the Attorney General, leave no stone unturned” or words to that effect. However, those assigned to the case are career prosecutors, so in his personal opinion, telling them to do so was unnecessary because he knew they would do the right thing. During his May 10 briefing, the team confirmed for Rosenstein that the President was not a suspect. This was also Rosenstein’s impression from his initial April 28 briefing he received from then Director Comey.

Rosenstein elaborated that based on his May 10 briefing, “there appeared to be no evidence the President was involved personally.” Rosenstein inquired whether they needed additional resources, and was informed there was no such need. Any reasonable person would assume that would have been the end of the Trump/Russia collusion story. But it wasn’t. So why did Rosenstein appoint a special counsel to investigate President Trump, a man he knew was innocent? Bongino’s Analysis: Rosenstein knows, he’s been briefed by the FBI as early as April, that this case is total garbage and that President Trump is not a suspect in this thing, and they refuse to clear him. Why? one purpose…To nail Donald Trump. On May 10, Mueller is appointed to investigate Trump for a scandal that doesn’t exist.

It was always an effort to accumulate enough political damage on Donald Trump to hopefully impeach him, to get him out of office before this thing resulted in some denouement at the end. Rosenstein knew what Mueller was going to do. That’s why he appointed Andy Weissmann. Who has a reputation for, at best, shady legal tactics. They appointed him knowing he’d keep this case open and knowing Trump wasn’t a suspect the entire time.

Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), chose to call Rosenstein to testify first. Rosenstein knew President Trump was not a suspect, but he still went ahead and appointed a Special Counsel to investigate him. He needs to explain why he did that, under oath.

Anonymous ID: 1cf7b1 Dem/Bloomberg theory of healthcare for Elderly May 28, 2020, 7:39 a.m. No.9344552   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bloomberg: “Not only do we have a problem but we gotta sit here and say which things we're gonna do and which things we're not. No one wants to do that," he said. "If you show up with prostate cancer, you're 95-years-olds, we should say, 'Go and enjoy. Have nice– live a long life.' There's no cure and there's nothing we can do. If you're a young person, we should do something about it. Society’s not willing to do that, yet. So they're gonna bankrupt us."


they are sick and evil