Anonymous ID: 82ca53 May 23, 2020, 2:13 a.m. No.9285762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5779 >>5857 >>5971


I agree.

And, not but, and:

Simultaneously our media in Germany is talking about nothing else but Corona,

pushing fear, fear, fear.

Many people reading the papers have to think, well it's global, if it weren't a thing,

why would countries around the world have the same problems with CV?

People actually turn on their fellow men, who believe that this panpanic is made up to restrict our free movement and to surveil us.

They call them any names you could think of and the press is pushing that everybody, who has doubts is a potential mass murderer.

This is so evil.

And I do not see, where Trump admin, Q, the military is able and willing to stop the MSM.

And this scares me and makes me feel that patriots are not very much in power.

People in my country are so scared about CV that they want the country to be closed forever.

No one here is able to stand up to the gov.

Because other people are enforcing this regime on their fellow men.

How long shall this go on like this?

Anonymous ID: 82ca53 May 23, 2020, 3:08 a.m. No.9285884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5901 >>5919


Does it work?

Or do only people already awake see the truth?

In my couuntry the media is conditioning the public to HATE Trump.

And it works!

People don't think about, why the MSM is so eager to make them hate a president of a far away country.

And why it would matter, if the German people would hate or love Trump.

The people are ruled by MSM, EU and their government.

And policed by their fellow men.

Q says, "They call you sheep".

As far as I'm watching what happens:

Most people certainly are indoctrinated sheep.

People here boast about how they despise Trump.

They feel good about it and never ask themselves, who made them "hate" Trump and why and how.

Anonymous ID: 82ca53 May 23, 2020, 3:13 a.m. No.9285911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6082


Sessions is an honorable Patriot.

He is the one, who oversaw all the important indictments, to make them hold water, when it comes to trials.

His job is to make sure that the indictments are written in such a way that they will stand before court and cannot be dismissed because of formal errors.

There are many vids with speeches, Sessions gave.

He is someone to look up to and to be grateful to.

Anonymous ID: 82ca53 May 23, 2020, 3:23 a.m. No.9285946   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>That and honest reporting from the MSM.

This MSM is the opposite of honest reporting, we all know that.

Do you have any idea, why and how this would change suddenly?

Their owners bought themselves the MSM to keep the people in line by lying to them.

How in the world would that ever change?

If Trump admin couldn't break the spell til today,

what will change?

People won't suddenly turn their backs on the MSM and their tricks and mind warfare.

People in general are just not clever enough.

And most people are not evil enough to even imagine, how evil the MSM and their owners are.

They just don#t think that way.

And therefore they are defenseless against the assaults of the MSM on their minds.

Anonymous ID: 82ca53 May 23, 2020, 3:44 a.m. No.9286031   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Eliminate fear with helpful facts:

Ty, Anon.

But I'm not in fear bc of CV.

I'm in fear bc of my gov and bc of my fellow men following the MSM/ gov like dumb sheep. and policing their fellow men.

They don't WANT facts.

They want to be on the side of POWER.

They want to believe the powerful gov.

Because otherwise they would have to experience the fear of doubt.

And these people, the sheep, are the greatest danger to truth.

They will rather kill you, or imprision you for talking about truth or facts, than acknowledging that they are in danger because of the actions of their own government.

Anonymous ID: 82ca53 May 23, 2020, 3:58 a.m. No.9286100   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Do you sometimes think that we all are living in a big, big lie?

I'm thinking this.

And I think that all these lies are killing us.

Our spirits.

Doesn't make it any better that Q is also a lot of disinfo.

And that Trump is doing a lot of double-speak.

Even if it is (is it?) necessary.

I believe that our souls die when surrounded with lies.

Though I'm not a reader of the bible, it looks to me like the bible is full of wrnings against evil and lies.

And I don't have much hope that evil can be stopped, when the lying still goes on and multiplies by itself.